Selasa, 25 November 2008

pengalaman masturbasi para wanita

Pengalaman Masturbasi
Halaman 1
Saya sangat suka mastrubasi. Satu dari teknik favorit saya sedikit berbeda. Pertama saya dengan menarik dan mencubit puting saya yang besar. Sentuhan puting saya menimbulkan sensasi di daerah alat kelamin saya dan mulailah cairan saya mengalir. Saya senang puting yang besar. Saya kemudian berbaring di tempat tidur pada punggung saya dalam posisi terbaring. Kaki terbuka sangat lebar dan saya mengusap dengan jari kedua, ketiga, dan keempat saya, memastikan kelentit saya nyaman dan berpelumas dengan cairan vagina saya. Selama mengusap kelentit, saya dalam gerakan melingkar dan menggerakkan pinggul saya sampai menemukan setiap gerakan, saya secara serempak menghisap dan mengigit pitung saya dan berfantasi. Ketika puting saya menjadi lebih besar dan keras, kelentit saya menjadi lebih besar dan panjang dengan penigkatan sensitivitas. Ketika saya merasa gelombang orgasme terbentuk lebih keras, saya menahan nafas saya dan saya melakukan ejakulasi orgasme yang lebih kuat.

Pertama saya membaca buku yang sangat erotik atau majalah saat berada dalam bak mandi, kemudian saya biarkan air mengalir dengan kecepatan sangat rendah dan berbaring pada punggung saya (aliran air sangat pelan) dan menempatkan daerah kelamin saya di bawah aliran air. Saya gunakan satu tangan, biasanya sebelah kiri, untuk “membuka” daerah tersebut dan kemudian berbaring kembali dan berfantasi!!! Hasilnya hebat!! Kadang-kadang saya gunakan ujung gagang sikat rambut saya jika saya merasa saya butuh sedikit lebih, atau jika saya betul-betul frustasi. Juga tangan memegang kepala shower dengan aliran air yang betul-betul cepat, sangat hebat!! 

Saya senang orgasme saya dan tidak ada yang sekuat seperti yang saya alami selama mastrubasi. Saya mempunyai dua teknik. Satu saat mandi, berdiri dengan kaki terbuka, usapan pancuran yang tetap untuk merangsangdan dan biarkan air memukul sisi dari kelentit (kepalanya adalah cara yang sensitif). Otak adalah organ seks yang terbesar. Saya berfantasi dan mempunyai orgasme yang hebat. Cara lain adalah pada punggung saya, di tempat tidur, dengan vibrator yang kecil (disebut *pocketrocket*). Sekali lagi, saya menggerakkan alat itu ke atas dan ke bawah dan dalam gerakan melingkar pada sisi dan kelentit saya. Kadang-kadang saya perlu mengisi diri saya dan menggunakan bantuan dildo untuk waktu yang terakhir, sehingga saya bisa kontraksi pada sesuatu, merasa sepertinya saya menekannya ke dalam. Saya suka cum selama hubungan intim, tetapi ini jarang sekuat sebelumnnya. 

Saat berbaring bugil, saya melumasi anus saya, daerah anus dan kelentit dengan jelly K-Y atau dengan cairan tubuh saya sendiri. Saya memasukkan jari telunjuk tangan saya ke dalam vagina saya untuk membuatnya basah atau menambah lebih banyak K-Y pada jari-jari saya. Kemudian, saya pelan-pelan menyelipkan jari itu ke dalam anus saya yang memberikan rasa enak, tekanan yang dalam, di mana pada waktu yang sama, selipkan ibu jari ke dalam vagina saya. Kemudian, dengan ransangan anal dan vagina, saya meraba kelentit saya dalam gerakan melingkar dengan jari telunjuk tangan kanan. Selama meraba kelentit saya, saya menggeliatkan jari-jari tangan kiri di dalam diri saya-hampir dalam gerakan mecubit. Kombinasi 3 tipe ransangan ini membawa orgasme yang cepat dan intens bagi saya! Ini hampir sebagaimana jika vagina dan anus saya keduanya orgasme (seperti orgasme ganda). 

Pertama, saya menyukai kerdipan pada clit saya selama berbaring pada punggung saya di tempat tidur. Kemudian saya berpikir tentang teman wanita saya menjilati saya seluruhnya dan mulai menggosokkannya dengan lembut dengan dildo saya. Kemudian saya menyelipkan ke dalam dengan begitu lembut dan menggerakannya ke dalam dan ke luar dengan irama yang bagus saat mengosok clit saya. Kemudian saya cum seperti tidak pernah sebelumnya. Ini sangat erotis bagi saya. 

Karena saya percaya bahwa masturbasi adalah perayaan terhadap diri saya dan lingkungan wanita, saya selalu berfantasi tentang wanita lain selama mastrubasi. Saya mempunyai begitu banyak cara hebat melakukannya sehingga saya tidak dapat menulis semua dalam sekali duduk. Favorit saya yang pasti adalah bola ben wa. Ini berakhir lebih lama dan mengguncang kebelakang dan kedepan atau membungkuk pada lantai atau tempat tidur adalah sangat meransang bagiku. Selama bola-bola ben wa dimaksukkan kedalam vagina saya, saya bermain dengan clit saya. Biasanya dengan jari telunjuk tangan kanan. Tetapi kadang-kadang saya mencubitnya. 

Saya memiliki cara yang bervariasi-langsung kontak dengan bagian paling sensitif dari kelentit saya-itu saat saya putus asa dan saya ingin sensasi yang paling cepat. Ini secara normal cepat dan kenikmatan yang masuk akal. Saya berfantasi terikat dan di awasi-ini biasanya mempercepat orgasme. Waktu yang paling baik adalah saat saya punya waktu. Saya melepas semua pakaian saya dan berbaring di tempat tidur menghadap ke bawah dengan bantal di antara paha saya. Saya menekan ke bawah tubuh saya ke dalam jari telunjuk saya secara tetap bergerak dan dengan tangan yang lain mengelus buah dada saya dan puting saya-kadang-kadang saya cubit untuk tanda yang ekstra. Ini bekerja seperti sebuah mimpi dan memberikan saya orgasme yang terbaik. 

Saya telah mastrubasi sejak saya masih gadis kecil, dan tidak tahu apa itu…saya hanya tahu menggesekkan tubuh saya naik turun dan terasa enak dan memberikan saya aliran yang tidak seperti yang lainnya. Sekarang, biasanya saya mendapat orgasme terbaik dengan berbaring menghadap ke bawah dengan tumit, tangan saya menekan tepat di atas clit saya, tepat pada lubangnya. Saya memasukkan satu atau lebih jari-jari ke dalam vagina saya dan mendorongnya lebih keras. Saya biasanya membiarkan tangan yang lain juga menekannya kedalam melawan diri dari saya biasanya membiarkan tangan yang lain untuk membantu menggucangkan tubuh saya. Ini aliran yang terbaik yang seluruh tubuh saya kadang-kadang kejang-kejang. 

Clit saya 0,75 in. panjangnya-sedikit lebih panjang dari kebanyakan wanita. Ketika bergairah, sekitar 1,5 in. Saya senang mastrubasi dengan menggunakan pakaian dalam dengan sayap, membuka sayapnya dan biarkan udara mengoda clit saya, dan kemudian merabanya dengan jari saya. 
Malam ini saya mungkin akan mastrubasi dan saya tidur di tempat tidur air saya. Saat clit saya berdenyut dan bergairah, saya membuat dari saya mencapai orgasme melalui teknik ibu jari dan jari-jari. Saya tempatkan ibu jari di atas kepala kelentit dan sepasang jari di bawah kepala clit. Kemudian, saya mengerakkan jari-jari saya dalam gerakan melingkar dan mengalami orgasme. 

Metode yang saya lebih suka adalah meggunakan vibrator, tetapi jika saya mempunyainya, saya bisa mengunakan tangan saya dengan mudah (satu keuntungan dari “kerja tangan“ adalah cairan “yang basah” yang dikeluarkan kemaluan saya saat saya dalam keadaan bergairah penuh!). Saya sangat dapat terangsang secara visual, jadi saya akan membaca buku seksi, melihat film dewasa, atau menjelajahi website porno. Saya suka perasaan duduk di meja saya, atau di depan TV, clit berdenyut, merasakan kemaluan saya menjadi basah dan lebih basah. 
Sekali saya siap bermain , saya akan ke tempat tidur dan berbaring pada punggung saya, dengan kaki terbuka lebar. Tangan saya yang dominan dalam bercinta sendiri adalah sebelah kiri, sehingga yang sebelah kanan biasanya saya lipat di bawah bantal. Ya, saya salah satu orang yang klasik “satu tangan ajaib“! LOL! Sejak saya tidak pernah melakukan seks dengan pria, saya tidak punya ide bagaimana rasanya mempunyai pria di samping saya, atau di atas saya, sehingga saya biasanya berpikir tentang pria dalam mimpi saya, duduk di samping saya, melihat saya menyenangkan diri saya sendiri, pada waktu yang sama mastrubasi dirinya sendiri. Sekali lagi ini bukan sesuatu hal yang telah saya alami dalam hidup saya yang sebenarnya, tetapi dalam mimpi-mimpi saya, ini sangat menyenangkan untuk merasakan sepertinya mata indahnya meratap saya, mengamati respon seksual saya. Ini sebenarnya memperkuat gairah saya. 
Satu-satunya kekurangan mastrubasi adalah saya bisa mencapai klimaks begitu cepat, dan kemudian ini merupakan kekecewaan yang besar. Saya tidak bisa membuat kejutan pada diri saya sendiri, setelah semau itu!!!) Sehingga akhirnya apa yang telah saya lakukan adalah meransang diri saya sendiri hampir sampai orgasme, kemudian berhenti beberapa waktu, mengatur napas, dan sebagainya. Biasanya saya menutup vibe saya secara total. Kadang-kadang sangat bagus sehingga saya benci untuk berhenti, tetapi saya ingin memperpanjajng kesenangan saya sebisa mungkin. Jika clit saya menjadi lebih ereksi, saya akan menarik kaki saya sejauh mungkin, sementara itu juga saya menarik lutut saya ke arah dada saya. Ini membuat clit saya lebih menonjol keluar, dan ini terasa menyenangkan! Saya lebih senang ransangan langsung yang tegas pada clit saya. 
Saya bermaksud meneruskan mastrubasi bahkan setelah saya mempunyai hubungan dengan seseorang, dan ini memalukan bahwa wanita dalam lingkungan sosial kita sangat tabu terhadap hal tersebut. Ini sesuatu yang indah, dan saya tidak bisa membayangkan akan seperti apa nantinya hidup saya jika saya tidak mempunyai kaki yang indah. 

Saya tidak bisa menjadi satu-satunya wanita yang ada yang menyukai orgasme selama berdiri, bukan? Saya berpikir saya mulai melakukan ini di dalam kamar mandi ketika saya masih muda, tetapi saya hampir tidak pernah melalukannya lagi di sana. Saya suka berbaring di tempat tidur (atau duduk dengan bantal di belakang saya) dan menggoda diri saya sendiri untuk sesaat sampai saya sangat dekat pada orgasme. Kemudian saya berhenti dan merubah sehingga kaki saya pada lantai. Kemudian saya cepat berdiri sebelum saya menjadi begitu lemah membuatnya dengan kaki saya, dan cum dengan cara itu. 
Orgasme seperti ini sangat intens dan setelah itu saya begitu goyah dan pusing di mana kaki saya hampir bisa menopang saya. Seseorang yang belum mencoba ini cara harus coba!! 

Menggunakan tangan saya betul-betul merupakan metode orgasme yang paling kuat dan paling lama, meskipun saya sedikit menyadari tentang clit saya-kelihatannya sangat kecil. 
Sewaktu anak-anak, saya telah melakukan banyak kontak seksual dan teman-teman wanita saya, tetapi tidak satupun yang sampai orgasme, karena kami tidak tahu bahwa kami memiliki kelentit, kurang lebih begitu. Sehingga kami di antara masing-masing kaki satu dan yang lainnya dan menyalakan senter pada alat kelamin kami. Beberapa teman wanita membuka bibir, dan saya melakukan hal yang sama, cahaya menyinari pada daerah yang tidak berambut, membuka vulva adalah memori bermain yang besar dalam fantasi saya, bahkan sampai sekarang. 
Saya senang tidak memakai celana dalam dan merasa kaki saya membuka dan merasa bibirnya terbuka adalah mrenyenangkan. Saat saya mastrubasi, saya membuka bibir tersebut sejauh yang mungkin dengan tangan kanan saya dan memulai gerakan pada kemaluan saya dengan jari tengah dari tangan kiri, biasanya mengingat semua pengalaman seks masa kecil saya. Gairah mulai mengalir, saya menahan lebar, dan jika ada angin yang mengelus kemaluan saya, akan lebih baik. Menarik bibir tersebut keatas, untuk menperlihatkan clit saya dengan lengkap, kemudian menggerakkan secara langsung dan clit saya sampai terjadi orgasme. 
Saya sering kali berharap saya memiliki teman wanita untuk mastrubasi dengannya melihatnya (dan melihat saya), khususnya sekarang bahwa saya tahu tentang sesuatu hal indah, seperti clit saya! 

No Name 
Saya menyukai mastrubasi! Saya melakukannya setiap hari dan telah melakukannya sejak berumur 11 tahun. Saya menikmati berbaring di tempat tidur dan menggerakkan paha saya, menggerakkan vagina dan clit saya. Saya senang mengelus clit saya ketikan saya memanjakan dan menggerakkan bibir saya.... saya memainkan dengan jari dan menyebarkan cairan vagina saya saat saya sedang menggosok sisi dari clit saya dan mengesek bagian kepala kedepan.... terasa sangat indah... saya menggosok clit saya dan berfantasi. Saya juga menikmati vibrator saya tetapi jari-jari merupakan vibrator clit yang hebat! 

Saya tahu saya bukan satu-satunya orang yang melakukan ini tetapi tidak pernah disadari begitu banyak wanita melakukannnya, itu hebat.... Saya senang mastrubasi dan cuming, tidak ada sesuatu seperti orgasme yang baik yang memulai hari anda atau mengakhiri malam anda .... Saya menyukainya dengan cara apapun, dengan tangan, jari, vibrator, saya bisa mengontrolnya dan kesenangan yang tercipta, satu cara adalah saat mandi shower melebarkan kaki saya, biarkan air bergerak turun diatas saya dan dengan lembut gesek clit saya, saat saya cum kaki saya menjadi sangat lemah. Sehingga saya biasanya mulai dengan shower dan berakhir di tempat tidur. Kaki terbuka lebar satu tangan yang memisahkan bibir lit yang lain menggerakkan clit, kemudian masukkan 2 jari dalam vagina saya dan ibu jari mengesek clit. Cairan akan mengalir dan jari-jari menjadi basah. Pindahkan jari-jari untuk membiarkan clit basah dan saya mulai dan membuat yang terakhir berlangsung lama, hampir mencapai dan berhenti... Kemudian mulai lagi......Saya berfantasi selama melakukan ini, biasanya saya dan wanita lain, berpikir semua hal-hal ini dia yang akan melakukannya. Ini membuat saya mencapai titik yang tidak kembali dengan cukup cepat.. Orgasme adalah sangat intens dan berharap merasakan yang terakhir sedikit lebih lama tetapi menyukainya saat mata menutup dan pinggul terangkat dari tempat tidur air, saya akan terasa geli di seluruh tubuh, kaki lemah, nafas berat, jantung berdebar, sangat berharap saya memiliki teman wanita yang akan melakukan hal ini pada saya. ....... 

Saya betul-betul senang menyentuh diri saya sendiri...saya membaca buku erotik / melihat gambar wanita seksi (saya perawan). Kemudian saya melebarkan kaki lebar-lebar dan mengusap obat salap-jenis yang anda gunakan saat anda digigit nyamuk [ini memberikan rasa hangat dan mengelitik], kemudian gerakan clit saya dengan kuku jari saya.. Dengan lembut pada awalnya kemudian berangsur-angsur menjadi lebih keras dan lebih keras pada waktu yang sama.. Saya berfantasi tentang mempunyai gadis seksi sedang menjilati dan bergerak gesit pada saya...-- saat saya menjadi basah dan lebih basah saya memasukkan 2 jari ke dalam vagina saya...kemudian pelan-pelan memasukkan jari yang ketiga...Jepitan paha lebih baik! Kemudian meningkatkan kenikmatan saya menggeliatkan jari-jari tersebut di dalam saya dengan pelan-pelan...kemudian saya CUM (Orgasme)..... 
Alternatif yang lain adalah cara di bak mandi...Isi bak sampai air hanya menutupi anus. Kemudian ketika terisi. Gosok semprotan tangan dengan melewati dan melawan clit anda [untuk kenikmatan yang maksimum yakinkan semprotan tangan menyenyuh clit anda]. Gerakan naik dan turun dengan pelan-pelan......Kemudian ketika air naik, Gosok lebih keras...dan lebih penuh semangat. Kemudian pada momen terakhir...anda hanya meninggalkan air bergelombang dan bergejolak tepat ke dalam vagina anda .......OOOOOOH....perasaan yang terbaik... (catatan: selama ini baik untuk menyemprotkan air kedalam vulva, saya akan merekomendasikan melawan semprotan air ke dalam vagina itu sendiri) 
Siapa saja yang mendapat petunjuk tentang mastrubasi bahkan saat anda sedang dalam datang bulan? karena saya benci harus menunggu hal itu berakhir sebelum saya bisa menyentuh diri saya sendiri ! (catatan: wanita seharusnya melihat mastrubasi selama sisa dari siklus menstruasi mereka yang berbeda selama masa menstruasi mereka. jika anda ingin, lakukanlah.) 
Saya lupa untuk menambah ini-coba jepit paha anda bersamaan saat anda menelusuri tubuh anda dengan jari...jepit mereka keras satu sama lain dan seperti 'paksa' cara anda melalui kedalam vagina -jika anda tahu apa yang saya maksud. 

Saya merangsang puting saya sampai menjadi betul-betul keras,saya teruskan hal ini sampai saya betul-betul basah dan terasa asam di bawah sana. Tetapi tetap memfokuskan tangan saya pada puting saya. Kemudian saya menggerakkan paha saya untuk meningkatkan sirkulasi darah. Saat clitoris saya membengkak dan sensitif, saya gerakkan paha saya bersama-sama memberikan tekann pada kelentit, saya kemudian saya menutup paha saya untuk memberikan beberapa perasaaan impuls. Kemudian saya berguncang-guncang dan mengambil nafas dalam sampai saya mencapai orgasme. Saya mencapainya tanpa menggunakan tangan saya pada alat kelamin saya. Metode ini mungkin membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk mencapai klimaks tetapi makin memperpanjang kesenangan. 

Saya bukanlah satu-satunya orang yang berpikir mastrubasi yang seperti ini. Pertama-tama saya mengambil botol kecil (plastik) dan menempatkan pada bagian yang terbuka melalui kelentit saya dan menguncang udara keluar sehingga membuat adanya tekanan isapan didalam botol. Kemudian saya mendorongnya keluar membiarkan isapan menggerakkan bagian kepala kelentit saya. Saya mendorongnya masuk dan keluar, membuat saya mengalami orgasme yang terbaik bahkan lebih baik saat anda meletakkan sedikit air hangat dalam botol atau jelly K-Y yang hangat. 
Cara lain yang saya rasakan sangat menyenangkan saat saya mengambil kepala shower dan membiarkan air mengenai kelentit saya dengan betul-betul keras dan ini terbaik saat air terasa hangat, yang harus anda lakukan adalah melebarkan kaki anda , bersandar ke belakang dengan berfantasi. 

Saya suka mastrubasi! pertama-tama saya mulai dengan menggesek tudung dari kelentit saya sebelah kiri dan kanan, alternatif di antara gerakan yang besar dan pendek. Tepat sebelum saya siap untuk orgasme (pada sakla 1-10, 10 mengalami orgasme, saya pada yang ke-7), saya masukkan jari-jari ke dalam diri saya, dan mengelitik didalam lingkaran tersebut sampai saya mengalami orgasme. Ini adalah perasaan yang paling hebat. 

Danielle Bagian I 
Saya melakukan mastrubasi sejak saya masih sangat muda. Saat saya berumur 11 tahun (dan masih tetap mastrubasi) saya merasa betul-betul bersalah dengan apa yang yang telah saya lakukan. Tetapi saya menyadari apa yang saya lakukan dan semua gadis-gadis di kelas saya melakukannya. Saat saya 24 tahun ada banyak sleepovers dan kami berani keluar di halaman rumput depan dalam keadaan telanjang dan mencoba untuk mendapatkan orgasme. (saat dirumah temannya.) 
Sekarang saya masih mastrubasi dan apa yang saya lakukan adalah saya akan membuka risleting jeans saya dengan tidak memakai celana dalam dan menggoda diri saya sendiri dengan cara meniup clit saya dan dengan sangat lembut menggosoknya. Kemudian saya akan merasa betul-betul bergairah dan saya akan melepaskan jeans saya menjilati jari-jari saya dan membuatnya basah dan menggosoknya, saya menjadi lebih bergairah. 
Teknik saya yang lain adalah mengambil kepala shower adalah betul-betul kekuatan dan menahan beberapa inci dari clit saya. Ini betul-betul bekerja. 

Danielle Bagian II 
Terima kasih, saya betul-betul bahagia ketika saya tahu bahwa semua teman-teman saya melakukannya. Semua teman-teman saya merasa bahagia. Kami menemukan hal yang sama. Setelah itu kami menpunyai banyak petualangan dengan orgasme dan kami saling membantu satu sama lain menemukan cara-cara untuk menyenangkan diri kami. Dan saat kami mempunyai pacar sebagian mereka berpikir bahwa ini sangat erotik, saya berumur 19 tahun sekarang, hampir dalam 20 tahun dalam sebulan ini. Saya belum pernah melakukan seks dan saya tidak tahu bagaimana rasanya tetapi saya tahu bahwa teman-teman saya dan saya bisa menyenangkan diri kami sendiri sama baiknya. Kami menemukan cara-cara yang sangat erotik dan menarik untuk mencapai orgasme. Kami melakukan satu hal saat saya berumur 12 tahun merasa berbahaya dan menambah ketegangan, kami tidak tidur sepanjang malam dan pada saat menjelang subuh kami berbaring di padang rumput di rumah saya dan mastrubasi. Ada banyak ketegangan di sekeliling karena nanti akan kedapatan. Tetapi, kami menyukainya. Ini membuat kami merasa baik dan menjadi dapat berbagi banyak dengan anda dan yang lainnya. Ini betul-betul membuat saya juga merasa baik! 

Cara yang saya temukan sangat menyenangkan dalam mastrubasi adalah melebarkan kaki saya selebar-lebarnya dan membuka labia saya. Saya mengeluarkan clit saya dan mengelusnya dengan begitu lembut sampai saya menjadi bergairah. Kemudian, kadang-kadang saya gunakan pena listrik yang menggetarkan dan menggeseknya dengan merasakan banyak kesenangan. 

Saya senang bertelanjang total dari pinggang kebawah, kaki terbuka lebar. Saya senang berfantasi dengan menggoda diri saya pelan-pelan. Saya mulai membuka lebar bibir clit dengan jari-jari saya dan menepuk-nepuk sekitarnya dengan pelan. Alternatif lain dengan mengambil kelentit dengan ibu jari dan jari telunjuk dan mengerakkannya dengan lembut. Saya mencoba menahannya selama saya bias dan saat saya merasa saya hampir mencapainya, saya gunakan 2 jari dan menekan ke dalam dengan keras pada tudung clit dan menggesek clit disekelilingnya pada irama tetap. Saat sebelum orgasme saya masukkan jari-jari dari tangan yang lain ke dalam dan ke luar sebagaimana saya terus mengesekkannya dengan lebih cepat orgasme saya dan kadang-kadang saya bahkan ejakulasi! 

Mary J. 
Cara yang paling menyenangkan saat saya mastrubasi adalah berbaring dengan punggung saya dan melebarkan kaki saya selebar yang saya bisa lakukan. Kemudian saya menggunakan satu tangan saya dan melebarkan labia saya memperlihatkan kelentit saya seluruhnya, kemudian saya sampai berada pada titik yang sempurna dan menahannya disana sementara saya memasukkan obyek silinder yang besar ke dalam vagina saya, saya gerakkan objek itu ke dalam keluar vagina saya sampai saya sampai pada orgasme yang sesungguhnya!!!!!!!! 

Pengalaman Masturbasi
Halaman 2
I have many pleasurable experiences relating to my childhood. I started exploring before age 5. My sister and I spent many a pleasurable afternoon exploring each others parts. 
I didn't know what climax meant at that age but I know it felt good as each of us pulled down our panties, lay on our backs and opened up our little splits wide and the other would rub and play with the clitoris. 
Sometimes we would just leave the panties on and pull them to the side with one hand and open our little lips with the other and let them touch and rub, we took turns. 
Now when I masturbate, I will look at pictures because I am stimulated that way, or I will go to some hot website, I will begin to rub the area around my clit, while thinking of all my pleasant childhood memories, the climax is intense and hot. 

I love masturbating and have been doing it since I was 4, when I saw another little girl at day care hump her cot - and I started doing it - then I discovered the clit. I have many ways of masturbating - my favorite is getting in the shower, and putting the hand-held shower head right onto my clit. I orgasm in about a minute. Another is masturbating on the phone with my boyfriend while he does the same. It's very intense. I've always wanted another female to do it to me - I think it would be way more intense. Women know what feels good. 

When I masturbate I think one of the kinkiest things I've ever done is let my boyfriend watch me while I start by caressing my tits and playing with my nipple rings so I can get really wet. Then after a while I work my way down my stomach and start rubbing my thighs. Then I'll get some of my juices and start rubbing my clit with my right hand. I'll keep doing this until I'm about to cum and then I stick three fingers in my pussy with my left hand and start rubbing my g-spot. Its totally crazy at how high I feel after I cum. Sometimes I'll even let my boyfriend finish me while he sucks on my tits. Then it seems like my orgasms just keep going and going. Its even better when my boyfriend gets off and starts masturbating himself so we can watch each other. Then I'm in heaven. 

I love to masturbate!!! I have been touching myself "down there" every since I was about nine years old. It's been so long ago when I started that I don't even remember the first time! When I masturbate, I like to be alone. First I will strip down to my undies, and get a mirror, because I love to look at my pussy it makes me even hornier. I will put my finger right on the tip of my clit and rub in a circular motion. This feels so good. Then I will stick my fingers inside of myself until I am about to cum. When I feel myself about to cum I stop. Then I will rub my clit again at a very fast speed until I cum, this is the best feeling in the world! 

Sue Part I 
Hi my name is Sue. I have been masturbating since I was little. I am an only child, and I would just love to have another female to do it with. I would love to touch her body, and if at all possible, I would want her to do the same to me. Well what I like to do when masturbating is going totally naked. I decided to do this while my parents where on vacation last year. What I did was I went in my room and closed the curtains, took off my clothes and let it rip. I got into bed, and pulled the covers up over my head, and then I started to touch my breasts. I had both hands on them, and I squeezed them, and I felt my clitoris rise. This felt good. Then after I did that I put one hand on my clitoris, and with my index finger, I rubbed it in a circular motion, and my vagina was wet. This was an awesome orgasm. As I kept on rubbing it it got harder and the orgasms where better than ever! Then my other hand was on my crotch, while the other one was on my clitoris, and I started to rub both places at the same time, and it was just beautiful! I was in heaven! Not! When I came to climax, I put the hand that was on my crotch, well I moved it and my index finger, I put it inside my vagina, and that was when I came. That experience was great. I am hooked and I do it every night. The best thing was I did it at college, and my roommate did not know anything about that. Also my parents don't know either. I have enjoyed it since I was little, and I will continue to. I am twenty four years old soon to be twenty five on the 18 of April. Either way I will masturbate on my birthday. 

Sue Part II 
Cool! I hope that everyone will give it a try. I just think masturbating like this is great! I know for one thing tonight I am going to do it again, and I just love it! Even though I am single and not had sex yet, I think masturbating is a great way to know your body, and it is safe, and it is kind of like having sex with yourself. Like I told you before I would love to do it with another female. I have gotten naked in front of a girl, but I never had a chance to check her out, so hopefully I can ask one of my friends to strip down, so I could check her out. I am just curious to see if she will like it. If anything, I am going to ask her, if she feels comfortable doing this. I am not going to force her, if she does not want to. I understand why. 

I love to masturbate! First I visualize my lover giving me oral sex and it starts to get me excited. I pull my pants down just below my vagina, and leave my blouse on. There is very little exposed to the air. I like to fantasize that we are in public and he just cannot control himself and he has to do me right then and there! So trying to be discrete, he takes the pants down ever so slightly. I put two fingers on one hand inside my vagina while stimulating the clitoris with the other hand. I rub in circular motions, ever so softly and move my fingers inside around as well. I begin to visualize the people in this public place now noticing us and wanting to be part of the action. But I have to tell them, "Not until he makes me cum, not until then. After he does, then you can participate too." When I start to cum I have to stimulate myself so softly and then I can cum again, and then again, but the stimulation has to be very, very soft. I do it in bed in the middle of the night sometimes or at home when I am alone just watching TV. What a rush! 

I think I could be the weirdest girl on the planet. I like to masturbate while lying on my stomach. I take my right hand and place it over the left lip of my pussy. Then, I press hard while keeping my fingers tightly together. My clit is underneath feeling the friction. I move my fingers back and forth, up and down. I have to keep my legs straight and together and have my toes on the ground pressing as hard as I can. This helps to give more pressure "down there." This is the only way I can reach orgasms. Not even wild and kinky sex with my boyfriend can give me an orgasm. 
This method of masturbation isn't that unusual. This technique is thought to develop in early childhood as a result of trying to hide your masturbation activities from your parents and others. You try real hard to look like you are doing nothing but sleeping so you remain motionless and quite. The problem is that this position and technique are hard to adapt to partner sex. As in this case, orgasm with a partner can be difficult or impossible to achieve when it is your only means of achieving orgasm. This is because you are laying on your stomach concealing most of your erogenous areas and your straight ridged legs prevent access to your vulva. The thigh tension resulting from pressing on the floor is also difficult to reproduce. You likely restrict your breathing and vocalizations as well. Betty Dodson in her video Celebrating Orgasm coaches a woman who uses this technique to be able to masturbate to orgasm while laying on her back with her legs spread. It is advisable for women who masturbate using this technique to explore other options, and not to fall back on their time proven method when others fail to result in orgasm just as easily. It takes time to retrain your mind and body to new masturbation methods. Women who use this technique can still share their orgasms with their partner by allowing their partner to watch and masturbate at the same time. 

I love to masturbate - I like to lie in my bed, legs spread wide with a lighted makeup mirror between my legs. I have a beautiful flesh colored vibrator that I use to tease my clit - I love to watch my self pleasure in the mirror. I also have wonderful anal beads that I use when I please myself. I lube them, insert them in my ass and then go to work on my pussy. I work my vibrator on my clit, watching and feeling it get completely engorged. When, I get ready to come, I start to pull my anal beads out, one by one, and I watch my clit literally dance up and down on my vibrator! The anal beads enhance my climax sooo much - I recommend them to anyone who wants a more intense orgasm - while my pussy is cumming, and while I am pulling them out - the tugging action makes it all the more intense - my anus doesn't want to let them go while my pussy is climaxing - it's a totally awesome feeling, one that I am so glad I discovered. Someone told me once it's because the muscles for climaxing are the same ones that are near your anus so that's why it's so pleasurable - doesn't matter - I recommend anal beads to everyone who wants that intense feeling. Afterwards, I love to lay there and feel my clit relax; it throbs while it's losing it's erection. Sometimes I use a dildo while I am masturbating for that full feeling - that's intense too - my pussy almost pushes it out I cum so hard! 

Oh yes for pleasure I rub my clit and mostly lay down to do so....but have stood while rubbing friend sent me this site with my thxs because I feel every girl or woman should not be ashamed to stimulate and give pleasure to their selves ...I love to watch porn movies and rub my clit while watching really gets me to climax good....with fingers start slowly and work to a faster pace as feel the urge build...then insert couple fingers in my vagina and stroke in and out fast and hard and still rub my clit with other hand and fingers around clit and area around. 

I started masturbating when I was about 11, and I'm 19 now. At first I would use my fingernail on my right index finger and flick it back and forth over my clit and I would come that way. I use the hand held shower too, that works. I read someone's entry about using an electric toothbrush (I looked for the girl's name and the entry but I couldn't find it) it drove me CRAZY! I loved it, I've been using my toothbrush more often than my fingers. Just some reminders -- use a new toothbrush. You don't want the stuff that was in your mouth to be on or inside your pussy -- remember not to leave the toothbrush on the handle, take the one you use for masturbation and put it somewhere else and take it out for pleasuring. 

Let me tell me about my masturbation actions. Probably not so spectacular, but I think it's important to talk about it. Mostly I begin to fantasize and touch my nipples. Can take a few minutes but also hours. Then I caress my clitoris over and over again. Which is really great. I must admit by writing this my clit is getting hot. So this can be also erotic. The most special thing is that I can do it in bed but also on the bus, train and public places without anyone noticing it. Sometimes I finish it in the lavatories or not so much public places. That's what I wanted to tell. 

I'm only 14 and I've been masturbating since I was about 4. Until now, I always thought I was weird for doing it so early, but I see that its normal. Now I feel more comfortable with myself doing these things to myself, and not feel ashamed or embarrassed. Since I am a virgin, I've never had anything in my vagina but tampons, so I personally don't feel pleasured by having anything stimulating that area. I love to put my vibrator on my clit, changing batteries to get a different strength and speed every now and then. While I do this, I am usually having cyber sex, or phone once in a while to get a different feeling. Though its not like the real thing, its nice to have someone do it with you, revealing their fantasies and techniques with you. Thus, you get a different feel and excitement each time, so you never get tired of yourself! 
Oh, and by the way, I really want to try the showerhead method, but mine doesn't detach, and I can't position myself under the water pipe.. can anyone give me any tips to get the same feeling without destroying my bathtub or hurting myself? 
They make hand held shower heads that attach to your bathtub faucet by means of a rubber booty. The booty slips over the faucet. You don't need to modify your bathroom in anyway to use one. You can use the shower head to spray water on your vulva or remove the shower head and direct a stream of water against your clitoris and vulva. Department and hardware stores likely carry them in the section where they sell bathroom fixtures. Pet stores may have them as well for bathing your pet. 
Be sure to check the water temperature first. It is not wise to direct water up into the vagina, it interferes with the natural flora and increases the chance of vaginal and pelvic infections. 

Hi my name is Rose, I just turned 17 and I have been masturbating since I was about 15. I am a virgin and am uncomfortable with anything actually entering me. I usually masturbate in the shower. Sometimes I use my index or middle finger and massage my clit when I really want to just come. Other times when I want to draw it out and make it last I rub my nipples while standing up. When I start to feel horny, I adjust the shower spray. I don't have a hand held one sadly, so I adjust the spray so it's just right. (Fortunately it takes some time so I get the chance to massage my nipples and play with my breasts more.) Once I've adjust the flow of water, depending on how I want to come, I lie down on my back on the shower floor. I then spread my legs wide and allow the shower spray to hit my clit. Some times I play with my large breasts while fantasizing about my crush. It helps me when I fantasize about him going down on me, licking and sucking my clit until I orgasm. Its a wonderful experience I usually take very long showers. Sometimes I picture a girl going down on me and it makes it even better. I used to think this was bad and it would make me out to be a lesbian. But after visiting this site I realize now that masturbating is nothing to be ashamed of and neither is fantasizing about a woman doing these things to you. I mean who better is going to please you then a someone who has the same physical parts as you? I only wish I could find someone who is willing to experiment with me. Thank you for allowing me to share my experiences. 

I am 25 years old and I have just begun to really masturbate in the past 6 months. When I was younger I use to play with Barbies. I would lock my door and take off my shorts and panties and rub the Barbie dolls head on my pussy. It felt great, however I never experienced an orgasm. One day my friend and I were playing school and she told me to pretend I was the teacher and she was this bad boy in class. She began looking up my skirt and then she began tickling my pussy over my panties. Eventually we took my panties off and she rubbed her fingers around it. It felt soooo good. I then did the same to her. We also use to swim in her pool and she taught me that if you put your pussy in front of the pool jet it would feel great. I did it and boy did it ever. So much that I couldn't take it. I still do that today. Any ways, I stopped masturbating after that because as I got older it made me feel dirty. However, once I got my computer I found this site and some others about masturbation and got some ideas that I wanted to try. I now masturbate at least 3 times a week, I go in my room after looking at masturbation and porn sites and sometimes put on a porno. I take my clothes off and get in bed. I usually begin by putting a vibrating dildo in me and rubbing it around. It isn't very powerful and never makes me cum but it does get me going. I then get wet and put a plug in body vibrator and rub it around my clit. It doesn't take long for my pussy to start throbbing and it feels so good. I cum so quickly. I love the feeling when I cum but it doesn't' last very long and I want to do it over and over but my clit is to sensitive. Any suggestions? 

I'm surprised that no-one has mentioned where they masturbate. Because my earliest masturbation experiences date from my schooldays where I used to do it in the toilet, I have got a fascination for masturbating in this place. Quite often when I am at work, or just out, I feel the urge coming on and I head for the ladies' room. I must have had 100's of orgasms sitting in cubicles, and I know I'm not the only one. At least one house-mate from younger days used to do in the toilet which was next to my bedroom, and I could clearly hear her ( it usually got me going as well). Also in public rest-rooms I've overheard quite obvious orgasms from adjacent cubicles, even though there have been attempts to stifle them. Everyone knows that guys do it in there, but how many women would own up to it as well. I'd be interested to hear. 

Okay, I am relatively new to the masturbation game. I have been married 10 years and never cum with my husband. He was my first lover and he isn't very imaginative. So what got me started masturbating? Well, to be honest a friend sent me copies of a show called Red Shoe Diaries. And I was totally aroused by the character Jake. In a scene where he does it to her from behind. He looked so wild and so-intense that I couldn't help myself. I started touching myself and thinking about the actor, David Duchovny, and the way he looked. How he possessed her. 
I fantasize about that actor and about people I meet or see that look as though they would possess me that way. I have tried to get my hubby to be more aggressive but I guess that masturbation is the only way I'll cum. Until I can get my husband to feel openly about masturbation. 
If anyone knows how I can get the things these other women talked about. Please let me know. 

I am 19 and have been masturbating for almost a year now, it is soooooooo good to be able to make myself come. My favorite technique is simple, using my fingers to rub until I come. I would love to have a female friend to do this with. 
I fantasize about being outside in the bushes while my lover is trying to hide ourselves, so that others don't see. He is saying, "Don't make any noise," but ohhhh it is hard not to when I come all over his sexy body. 

My name is "May", That is the month I was born in. I have been masturbating since I was seven years old, and I am 38 now. It started out from a bad experience. I was walking to the park when I was seven, and a man asked me to help him find his daughter's purse with him. Dumb me ! ! ! You know all the things your parents tell you about strangers when you are little. Well, I should have listened more closely. I went with him, and he took me down the railroad tracks to this deep ditch, and commanded me to pull down my panties to my knees, pull up my dress to my waist, and spread my thighs apart. He knelt down in front of me and very tenderly pulled my outer lips apart and started to lick me between my inner lips, and my clitoris. It was an unexplainable, beyond excellent sensation. (I was the kind of girl who didn't even know anything existed "Down There"). I was also scared beyond anything I have ever been before that, and since that. He stopped for a minute to ask me where I lived, and I lied through my teeth to him. He started licking again, and I told him I had to go to the bathroom really bad. He said to hold it in and it would feel even better and went back to licking me. (I held it in tight, and it did feel even better). I put up a huge fuss about having to go to the bathroom, and needing to get home right away, so he stopped, and let me go. I didn't reach an orgasm, but I knew if I would of let him continue, something I can only describe as "Breaking Through" was going to happen. I ran all the way home and hid in my bedroom until I got called down for supper, but I couldn't eat, I was so terrified that the man would find me again. He never did. I could not get the wonderful feeling he gave me out of my mind, and it was only two days after that when I started to touch myself down there. I would get so frustrated because I could not get that "Release" I knew should come. I had one of my friends rub me with the side of her hand between my legs, that felt really good, but didn't work. I didn't discover the bathtub faucet until about two weeks later, and oh my gosh, it was exactly what I needed. I had my first orgasm, and it was like rockets shooting in the air. I thought I would never be able to breath again. It took my breath away. It was so amazingly wonderful. I was hopelessly addicted after that. I would come home from school everyday and get into the bathtub and have a fabulous orgasm. It relieved so much of the stress in my life at that time. It was really effective therapy. 
Of course, as time went on, I became more imaginative, and creative, and learned how to use my fingers, and other objects to achieve an orgasm. I love to go to the grocery store and find a nice big cucumber for penetration, but be sure to wash it really well before you use it. I always like to apply something like Sex Grease or another water soluble lubricant before penetration, even if I am already nice and juicy. After I insert the cucumber, I like to pull apart my lips really far so the skin of my clitoral hood is pulled really tight and then I just rub my clitoris through the hood, and I have the most spasmodic orgasms that last about 30 seconds. If I have a lot of time, and I am home alone, I will let my sensitivity decrease a bit and I will bring myself to another, and another, and so on until I am too exhausted to go on, or I am totally satisfied. I don't think I could ever be "totally" satisfied though. 
I have fantasies while I masturbate also, and my favorite one is with another woman. I would really love to be able to get and give oral sex with a woman. I think it would be so perfect. 
May's reaction to this incident including the sexual pleasure she experienced is normal and occurs much more often that we may be led to believe. To get an understanding as to why read the page that addresses sexual abuse. 

May's Follow Up E-mail 
Thank you for your response, and thoughtful email. Our bodies are incredible wonders of nature. It took me a long time to overcome what happened to me at seven, even though the experience was pleasurable on a physical level, it was terrifying on an emotional and mental level. 
I believe sharing my experience will allow and help others who might of had similar experiences understand it wasn't their fault, they didn't do anything wrong, and it is ok to acknowledge that it was a pleasurable experience, even though it occurred under very terrifying circumstances. I know my life was changed forever after the experience. I had irreversibly lost my innocence at seven. I saw the world in different colors after that. 
I can say on a positive note this was the only childhood sexual experience I had, so I was a lot more fortunate then a lot of the women I have spoken with. I didn't allow that man to continue to have power and control over my life once I was old enough to understand the mind/body connections. He stole my innocence, that is all he is going to be allowed to take away from me. We must all be sexualized at some point in our lives. Mine just happened a little sooner then it was supposed to. 
In closing, I would like to say how much I really appreciate the website. It was a really informational and positive way to explain and celebrate female sexuality. I hope it will be a great help to younger and older women alike for a very long time. We are never too old to discover the wonderful orgasmic abilities of our body. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my email on a personal level. 

Pengalaman Masturbasi
Halaman 3

Well I am 14 years old and I have been masturbating ever since I was about 10. I think a lot of the girls that wrote in are lucky because they had friends who masturbated when they were young. My friends don't masturbate and I don't want to tell them I do because I'm afraid they will think I am sick or something. So I keep it to myself. 
My favorite way to masturbate is to rub my clit against the arm of my couch, while watching porns. Preferably lesbian porns. I like to get totally naked and I rub while I am caressing my tits. I usually do this when everyone is sleeping or when I am home alone. It takes a while 'til I climax but the pleasure while doing it is unbearable. 
Note: The videos belong to her parents. 
I start by taking off my clothing and going into the bathroom. I like to look at my breasts and let my hand roam from my lower abdomen to my breast and stroke the underside, and around my nipple. This starts to get me wet. I usually think about being penetrated by my partner, but sometimes I will think about a women touching my breasts or kissing me all over. I will then let my roaming hand dip between my legs, and start to rub my outer lips before actually going for my inner lips or clit, but I can definitely feel my lips start to swell and my lubrication start to flow. I then make it to my bed where I lie with one leg spread out and the other up so that my foot is flat on my bed. I slide my left hand between my legs and start to rub with my middle finger. After I am very wet and near cumming, I usually will let two fingers enter my pussy and with my right hand I will stroke my clit. It is not long before I cum. I have been known to use dildos and I am happy to say, thickness counts, because I have that ache. And it’s twice as much fun to be watched. 
I love to masturbate!! I used to have a fear of anything sexual, until I made myself do it. I started out at the age of 17 or 18 and I always left my underwear on. I didn't want to do the skin touching skin thing yet...I was nervous after all. Then I finally made myself do it without my underwear on and it was even better! Masturbation is not just touching yourself between your legs, it's feeling your way around your whole body. Run your hand around your legs, arms, neck, stomach, breasts, try licking or sucking your own nipples. It's amazing what kind of sexual level you can get to. One thing I have been doing is...placing a ball (like size of a tennis ball) where my clit is. I'm sitting and I kind of rub against the ball, or kind of hump the ball. It took a while to get it, but when I got it...the feeling that built up inside of me was wonderful. Masturbation is one way to help you find out what you like and don't like. I'm glad I made myself do it!!! 
I use my middle finger in either a small circle or directly on my clit. I alternate this with dipping into my vagina (for more moisture and g-spot). 
I do this flat on my back with my legs slightly open. When I cum my legs go together tightly, and my clit seems to grow larger. 
I've taught my husband how to do this and he is great! I can relax and not have to worry about finger coordination. 
I fantasize about all sorts of things while I do it, too much to go into here. 
I wonder if an older woman can make a contribution to this page. I am 65 years old and masturbation has played an important part in my sex life for over 30 years now. 
When I was growing up in the 50's, most middle class girls hadn't even heard of masturbation, let alone done it. Like most girls of my generation I was totally inexperienced and ignorant when I married, and frankly my marriage was a disaster from the sex point of view. It was only when the sexual revolution came along in the 60's when I was over 30 that I started to read about and experiment with masturbation and finally discovered sexual pleasure. 
Like Jenny (previous contributor) my activity mainly took place in the toilet (at work) as this was one place I could guarantee privacy, as my husband would come into our bathroom, which was never locked. I therefore had my first ever orgasm in this rather unromantic place, and I still sometimes do it in there because of some sort of association of ideas I suppose. Unlike Jenny I've never heard anyone else doing it, perhaps my hearing is not so sharp! 
I am long divorced, but still masturbate quite frequently (about twice a week), although now it's mainly in bed. I'm afraid it's nothing more imaginative than middle finger on the clitoris, which usually takes only 2-3 minutes. Still, it works every time. 
One thing I regret, though, is that my generation doesn't have the same frankness in discussing sexual matters as the younger ones, as I would love to speak with other women about these things. This is why I find your site so valuable and I hope others will continue my education process with their contributions. 
When I masturbate I usually wait till I'm home alone. I get completely naked and go outside to the pool. It feels so good to play w/myself outside where the sun beams down on my body. I usually lie on a raft and float in the pool where I then fantasize about another woman caressing my body. I take my index and middle finger and go back and forth with my clit in between my fingers; I take my other hand and finger myself. After I reach my orgasm, I get off the raft and sit on the creepy crawler hose (it vibrates really fast.) I adjust my lips so the hose is hitting my clitoris in the perfect spot! When I'm done with that I go inside and rub myself some more until I cannot do it anymore. I do this almost everyday, it relieves a lot of stress and tension. 
She added: The creepy crawler hose is a long hose (It shakes or vibrates). It has a vacuum at the end of it that cleans the pool while you swim. It stays in the pool! 
I would guess the water pulsing through the hose creates the vibrations. Now how is it women discover these things? ;-) 
I recently found this page, I read all the techniques and even tried most of them, I found some of them to work great, and some not so great. When I'm getting ready to masturbate, I search my house for any items resembling a penis. I’ve used items such as cucumbers, carrots, candles, fat markers, and even water bottles, then I place a condom over it to lubricate it. I slide the item all over my body, sometimes I squeeze the object between my breasts and "Tity-fuck" myself while moving my pelvis around. 
Once I’m finished doing that, I start off slowly rubbing my fingers on my clitoris getting faster and faster, I then stick the object in my vagina and w/my other hand I pinch my clit when I’m coming to a climax, and do that repeatedly. 
If I am at work (desk job) when not many people are around, I take the phone handle and place it on my clitoris and rub it up and down till I am satisfied! 
I am 26 I started masturbating around 4 or 5. Strange but I saw this picture of myself (in my head) pleasuring myself in a certain position and something told me 'Try this' and I did and I have been an avid masturbator since then, but only possible in one position, until about 2 years ago. I must be on my stomach and with both hands down in my clit area. I rotate my hips and move my hands and I can have several orgasms often. 2 years ago I was able to simulate this on my back-but it takes muscle clenching in the legs and arms and holding my breath several times to get there. I think I can't cum with a guy because my first love was someone who didn't love me- it wasn't a relationship, I was used. He was a neighbor who was 8 years older, I was 15. I had very crooked teeth and didn't have many friends, so I hung out with the 3 boys next door, and got a crush on the oldest one 8 years older. By the time he wanted a relationship I was done with him. 
I have a friend that masturbates in the same position that I do, we both can orgasm in that position when being made love to like that. It's killing my current relationship. He is a very sexual person. How do I master this?? 
As mentioned on the second page of visitor’s masturbation techniques, Kimberly is not alone in using this technique. 
My reply to Kimberly; 
"First you are normal, second it affects your sexual relationship with your partner only as much as you allow it to. You have a means of reaching orgasm, explain and show your partner what works for you. Do not try to be someone you are not. They can sit back and watch and share your pleasure, and masturbate along with you. Engage in sexual acts that you enjoy. Do them for as long as you both are comfortable doing them. Partner sex does not have to include orgasm to be pleasurable and fulfilling. Do not try to have an orgasm, just enjoy yourself. If you try to have an orgasm, it is less likely to happen." 
"As far as learning how to have an orgasm in other positions, I recommend Betty Dodson's book and videos. In her second video, Celebrating Orgasm she coaches a woman in your situation how to have orgasms while lying on her back. She teaches the woman how to use a vibrator, which may work for you. Check out her site at the link below." 
Betty Dodson 
My name is Fran and I am a 53-year-old woman who has masturbated for the last 5 years. I got into it since I was married to an older man who didn't want to satisfy me any longer. I was too young to do without one of the greatest pleasures of life, and so I bought a few videos and tried various techniques in them. 
All seemed to work fine if you have privacy, but the one that works for me is this one. Put on a pair of rather tight-fitting jeans (the ones with the denim seams across the pubic area). Sit down any where there's a hard surface and start to move your hips until you experience a "sensation". If you couple this feeling with some vivid thoughts, you will experience a wonderful orgasm and no one will know it. (unless you're a real screamer) I've used this technique very successfully while driving on long and boring trips (I have a long commute every week). It sure makes the time go faster!!!! 
I was told about your site and visited it after I was assured it was not a porn site but a genuine one with real aims and beliefs. 
My name is Annabelle but my friends call me Belle. I am 15 and British but I live in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia because my father got a job here and brought me and my sister here (my mother died three years ago). 
I am still unsure of my sexuality because although I like boys I got far stronger crushes on females, sometimes other girls at school, sometimes teachers or other adult women I meet or see on television or in magazines I started masturbating just after my Mum died although I think I used to do it without thinking when I was younger. 
My technique is to lie on my tummy across the bed with a picture on the floor and trap my wrist between my legs so the bones in my wrist are pressing hard against the base of my clitoris. By sort of sawing my legs and slowly rotating my wrist the pressure is heavy-light, heavy-light and I can control how fast or strong, or slow and light, as I want it. 
My current fantasy is Brittany but I have also fantasized about K.D. Lang, Jennifer Aniston, Sheryl Crow, Shania Twain and Kylie Minogue (Australian actress and pop singer) 
I often cyber with two girls, one I have met, one I haven't. The one I met is a girl I knew in England. She went to the same school but we didn't know we were attracted to each other until we met in a chat-room and recognized each other. 
The other (the Traci) in my screen name, is 17 and lives in New York, USA. we met three years ago and we don't cyber as much now, we just chat about things and it's great. 
What I would like to say is that after my Mum died, I was sort of thrown into being the woman of the household and I had to try to be more mature for my little sis who is 4 years younger than me (nearly). My dad doesn't really like me dating. I've been out with a few boys but they were just friends. As I write this, I realize that I have never fantasized about them, even when I was going out with them. 
I am still technically a virgin but my hymen is no longer there as I bought myself a vibrator, which is pretty nice. 
Anyway, thanks again for a smashing site. hope it gets bigger and bigger and better and better. 
If you feel you want to use any part of my letter on your site I would be honored. 
My name is Geena. I am 23 and have been masturbating for over three years. I have been sexually active since I was 17 and never experienced an orgasm until I finally spoke with a friend about masturbation and the techniques. I spent almost a year trying different styles and tools, but was unable to orgasm. Finally, I tried vaginal penetration and anal penetration at the same time and it worked really well. 
I lie on my back on the floor and insert a slender, lubricated vibrator into my rectum and turn it on low. I then rub my clitoris in a back and forth motion and increase the power on the vibrator as I grow closer and closer to orgasm. By the time I am cumming, I will have the vibrator on high. This has given me the most intense and longest lasting orgasms. I would recommend this technique to any one who has trouble masturbating to orgasm. 
I'm 23 and have been masturbating since early childhood. It took me a long time to discover I had a clitoris. I usually would just rub the outer lips of my vagina until I climaxed. Since my late teens, however, I've started touching my clitoris, with my left index finger, sort of tickling it very fast. That is great, especially because I suck my thumb while doing it, and fantasize about fellatio. But lately it has gotten harder and harder to orgasm. It takes me fifteen to twenty minutes of continual stimulation to get there. I've tried vibrators, the round kind that you lay against the clit, rather than the penetrating ones but I don't like the numbed-clit feeling I get. I love it when my lover touches my G-spot, but I don't know how to reach it by myself. And since I usually lay on my back while masturbating it's hard to insert fingers into my vagina. Any suggestions? I'm tired of being dependent on "him" to get off. 
Some tips: 
Keep in mind your brain is your largest sexual organ and it needs stimulation too. The mental stimulation of sucking on your thumb and thinking about fellatio may not be sufficient today even though it once was. You may need to find a different form of mental stimulation. This could be simply sucking on a dildo that looks just like a penis, or finding some erotic pictures to look at, an adult video, or erotic stories to read. 
Reaching orgasm in fifteen to twenty minutes is not all that long, even if it is not as quick as before. Look at it from the standpoint of “making-love” to yourself versus just as “masturbation." Try to make yourself feel good, do not try to have an orgasm. Being goal orientated may make things worse, not better. Do not expect nor try to have an orgasm every time. Relax and enjoy yourself. If it does not feel good, you will not have an orgasm. 
Pressing a strong vibrator, like the wand shaped one you mention can cause some numbness if you press it directly against your clitoris, especially if you press too hard. Place a small folded towel between your vulva and the vibrator or leave your pants and underwear on. Do not put the vibrator directly against your clitoris, place it to one side against your outer labia. Do not try to have an orgasm quickly, build up to it slowly. If you feel you need intense physical stimulation it could be a sign that you actually need more mental stimulation. 
As mentioned in the section on Female Ejaculation it can be a bit difficult for a woman to stimulate her own G-spot during masturbation. Women who do, use many different methods and sexual aides, but they usually insert an object other than their fingers into their vagina. Your fingers simply are not long enough. We make some recommendations as to suitable sex toys to try on the page linked to above. I recently saw an ingenious dildo used in a video about Female Ejaculation that was made of clear acrylic and shaped like an “S”. I have found one like this called the “Crystal Wand” and is sold by many adult stores. Check out the stores linked to on the Links page. It is expensive at $50 US. A visit to your local produce isle may result in the discovery of suitable objects at a lot cheaper price. ;-) 
I'm 14 and I masturbate just about every day. I lay on my back, with nothing on below my waist. I start to rub my breasts and fantasize about my boyfriend going down on me. Then I move down with my right hand and rub my clit. I rub hard and tighten all of my muscles until I orgasm. I usually hold my breath, but I'm trying to do it without having to hold my breath. Does anyone have any suggestions on doing this?? 
There is nothing wrong with masturbating as you do, but it would be beneficial to explore other methods. You need to slow down and explore your body. You are trying too hard to reach orgasm. As pleasurable as orgasm is, it can be even more enjoyable to see how long you can go without reaching orgasm. You want to try and stay relaxed. Gently caress your entire body, not just your breasts and vulva. Trying breathing deeply, panting, versus just holding your breath. Try masturbating while sitting, standing, or leaning against a wall. Try rhythmically rubbing your vulva, bare or clothed against furniture, pillows, or stuffed animals. Explore water spray in the shower or tub. Keep your mind entertained, build on your current sexual fantasy involving your boyfriend. Read through the suggestions on this website. You are young so take your time and explore. Do not take it too seriously, just have fun. 
I am 17 years old and have been masturbating since I was about 12. I usually lie down on my bed (when my parents are asleep) and after reading a hot story or looking at some pictures I begin to rub my clit and pinch my tits to a frenzy, while thinking sexy thoughts about women licking me... until I'm so wet I can't take it anymore. Then, I have this brush, the handle is large, metal, smooth, and cylindrically shaped, I insert the handle inside myself and slide it in and out. It feels great! Then I have to cum before I orgasm. I usually use the brush and then as soon as I can't come anymore I begin to rub my clit at the same time until I explode! It's the best feeling in the world, takes away so much stress and no guy has ever been able to do that to me!!! 
Jodie’s clarification of what she means by "cum" versus "orgasm." 
I don't know if it's normal but sometimes when I masturbate I cum (female ejaculation) and then I have a really intense rush all over my body. Sometimes they happen together and sometimes not so I call the rush an 'orgasm' and the ejaculation 'cumming'. 
I don't know if that's normal or if I got the meanings wrong but it feels good anyway. 
Jodie’s use of her hairbrush as a dildo is likely stimulating her G-spot, this may account for her orgasms that are accompanied by ejaculation. Her clitoral stimulation appears to result in a different type or experience of orgasm. This is normal. How women experience orgasm, and the types they have is a very individual thing. 
As I explained to Jodie, it can be real difficult to describe our physical sensations. This is especially true of female sexuality since there is not a lot of open discussion of the topic or a large vocabulary to choose from. There is also no correct or normal way to enjoy sexual pleasure. It is all normal if we enjoy it. 
This is to Helen, the 65 year old divorcée. I too am older...58 to be exact...and I feel the same way. I knew nothing about sex, stimulation or orgasms when I was young, and like you it wasn't till the 60's that I learned about my body and the pleasures of masturbation. I frequently masturbate now.... because no man has yet to make me cum. I also attribute that to the fact that I have never really enjoyed being with a man...and only realized two years ago I am a lesbian. My usual method is start either by reading something very erotic, or just fantasizing about what I'd like to be doing to another womyn. I play with my breasts and rub my clit...and using pocket rocket vibrator inside me.. and a egg-like vibrator on my clit.. It is very intense...but there are times its just nice to play without reaching a climax. 
I am a 26-year-old mother of 2 and have found an excellent way to masturbate. I use the showerhead and pulse water directly on my clit. I fantasize about all kinds of things, like my husband going down on me, or another woman grinding her vulva against mine. It is so awesome and the orgasms is mind numbing. 
I love to masturbate!!!! I've been masturbating since I was about 5 yrs. old. I used to love to touch other girls and for them to touch me when I was a little girl. I don't do it now cause I can't find any of my girlfriends to do this with me. 
What I used to do when I was younger was I would get my Teddy Bear turn him up side down so that his neck would be between my legs. I would pull him up by his legs but still hold him tight between my legs and I would rub and hump on it until I reached orgasm. Now I use a few different methods. I lie down on my back in the tub while the faucet is going full blast on my clit and I put the water hotter for it to become more intense or until I come or I lie down on my stomach with a pillow between my legs and hump on it till I reach orgasm or I get this stuffed animal that I have that vibrates and I lay down on my back while its pressed on my clit and I come. Either way is really good! I always fantasize too I find that really important!!!!! 
It was interesting to learn that many women fantasize about other women during masturbation. My two main fantasies are of a woman, or of two men. My friend showed me how to masturbate when we were around ten years old. She placed a pillow under her and "humped" it. That is the only way I have been able to climax. I sometimes use a vibrator and move on top of a firm pillow with the vibrator inside me. I would love to be able to climax lying on my back and using my fingers, but so far it just hasn't worked for me. My husband doesn't know I do this. He likes to watch me masturbate sometimes, but I fake it and do it like "they do in the porn movies." I usually masturbate four or more times a week when my husband is sleeping or when I am home alone. 
Hi I'm Nikki and I'm from England, I found your website by chance and I'm glad that I did. I'm 17 and I love to masturbate. I've been doing it ever since I was around 4, and then I didn't know what it was but it 'tickled' so I kept on doing it. 
I haven't told anyone because I don't want my friends to get the wrong idea. I don't know if I'm a lesbian or not but what I do know is that I love to look at lesbian porn, whether its pictures or films. 
The ways I do it are either lying on my back with my legs spread out and rubbing my clit up and down rapidly with my middle finger, or I lie on my stomach doing the same but with my legs bent at the knee and open. While doing this I fiddle with my tits and pretend that someone (usually a woman) is licking me or doing it to me. 
I've had many boyfriends; they can't give me such a thrill, even when we're having sex. 
I don't like dildos, but I love vibrators, but I must be the only woman on the planet that uses a vibrator on my clit. If I don't have access to a vibrator then I take the head off my electric toothbrush and use that. 
I've kissed a couple girls and played with many girls sexually, but only above the waist. While I'd much rather have sex with a girl, I like guys to so I think that I'm definitely bisexual. 
The greatest thrill for me though is doing it on the stairs right in front of my front door, so then I have a chance of getting caught. I read the stories on here and I will masturbate cause I can feel my clit throbbing for my finger. 
I asked Nikki if girls in England had easy access to erotic material and this is what she had to say: 
Thank-you for showing my 'story' on the website, I'm on there frequently. I get some pictures off the net but most of the time I have to 'borrow' stuff from my brother. There is a lot of stuff on TV though, thanks for replying to my e-mail, its nice to know that you read them. I really love the website, its helped me a lot. 
I wanted to share my experiences with masturbation....... I too am like some of the others in that I can only reach orgasm when I am lying on my stomach with something pressing against my clitoris. I have just recently bought a vibrator and that works wonders..... but only in the one position. I get nothing out of laying on my there something wrong there? 
I am 34 years old and surprisingly still a virgin.....(I have very high morals and will not have sex before marriage.) ... after reading this website I realized that it is ok to masturbate. It is actually a very needed time for me and I love the fact that so many women do it. 
I do get off just watching some shows, reading juicy books, and thinking about my married friends doing it........ 
I just wish I could do it in other positions.... any ideas would be greatly appreciated!! 
I love to fantasize when I masturbate...I have been masturbating since I was a teen...I would look at a book with pictures...usually naked men...I love oral I just imagine someone's tongue against my clit as I slowly finger my pussy...I love to start slow and barely touch my sensitive button...usually slow circles against the side is more sensitive... I love to spread my lips just enough to feel my clit get swollen then as I’m about to cum I slowly insert one maybe two as I cum.......I imagine a hard cock inside me...usually making me shiver...OMG....its so awesome.... 

Pengalaman Masturbasi
Halaman 4

I'm 42 and masturbate as many as three times a day--in the shower by the strong water flow from the hand-held shower head directed alternately on my clitoris and to my lips, by my middle two fingers in front of the bath mirror with shirt pulled above my large breasts to expose them while I look at them, and often in the middle of the night when I wake up aching for a man, but I haven't had one in three years. I get headaches if I don't masturbate frequently to release sexual pressure. 
Vania (Francais)
Moi aussi j'aime me masturber. Je suis célibataire et vierge. Aussi, j'ai besoin de me caresser seule. C'est vital pour moi. Ca me détend.Ca me fait beaucoup de bien. Je le fais chaque fois que j'en éprouve le besoin. Le fait de consulter des photos de sexe m'aide à mouiller. Je commence à caresser mes seins et plus particulièrement mes mamelons qui sont très sensibles. Et puis je me déculotte et je caresse doucement mon sexe puis en insistant davantage je touche mon clitoris et je pénétre un doigt ou plusieurs dans mon vagin. Je fantasme pour maintenir le plaisir. Je m'imagine en présence d'un homme dont le sexe est en érection et qui cherche à me pénétrer. Je me frotte contre les draps. Enfin j'introduis n'importe quel objet qui ressemble à une verge et je le fais aller et venir dans mon vagin. Ca me fait terriblement jouir. 
Vania (English Translation)
I like masturbation too. I'm a single woman and a virgin. I feel the need to give myself pleasure. It is vital for me. It relaxes me. It really makes me feel good. I do it anytime I desire. Looking at photographs of sex helps me in getting moist. I begin by caressing my breasts and more specifically my nipples, which are very sensitive. Then I take off my pants and softly caress my vulva, and then I must touch my clitoris and insert one or more fingers into my vagina. I fantasize to maintain the pleasure. I imagine myself with a man who wants to penetrate me with his erect penis. I rub against the sheets. Then I insert anything that looks like a penis into my vagina and move it in and out. It makes me have very pleasurable orgasms. 
Hi, I would like to tell you how I masturbate. I never started masturbating until last summer. I remember like getting this really good feeling when I was in like 7th grade but I would never touch down there, because I was afraid I might "break" or hurt something down there. But I remember my first time. I was talking to this guy and he has asked me if I had ever masturbated, and I said no. So he told me to go feel myself. I trusted him, and I did. He also sent me to this site, where I read all the stories, and other stuff on here. At this point, I could feel myself getting wet, and I was horny. That night I masturbated, I don't remember if I had an orgasm or not. After that time, I used to do it like every night. I almost got caught twice, but I stopped. To this day I still masturbate. All my friends know I do it. And so does my Mom. I figure there’s nothing wrong with doing it. I always have an orgasm when I masturbate. But for some reason, I never have one with a guy. I dunno why though. 
I like to masturbate with one dildo/vibrator in me and one on my clit. I do this often I usually lay on my back. I sometimes fantasize about a female going down on me... I think about this too when I use the faucet. When I'm lazy, I usually masturbate with the faucet while in the tub. So there ya go ... that's my story. 
I am Julie. I absolutely love my cunt! I masturbate 2 to 6 times a day, and my favorite is when I rapidly "butterfly" my clit with one hand while my middle finger on the other hand is up my cunt, stimulating my G-spot. I squirt female cum every time! Then I spread the cum on my tits mouth and tongue. Oh, I love it so much!
I am a 22 years old, bi sexual, female who loves to masturbate, almost daily, sometimes twice. I find the best orgasms are when I am alone. I used to fantasize about sex while masturbating, but unfortunately, that didn't do it anymore for me. I used to get off by lingerie catalogs, now I take pictures off the Internet. 
I like to sit in my chair with one leg on each corner of the desk so that my legs are spread (almost like stir-ups at the doctor's office). Then I get out my vibrator or massager (depending on my mood) and play with myself while looking at the pictures on my computer, usually of lesbians. Also, a helpful hint one of my girlfriends told me about, Vic’s Vapor Rub works really well. It is very stimulating to rub on the clitoris. At first, you think that it's painful, but actually the feeling is cold and hot at the same time. I think it brings a lot of blood to that area as well as stimulation while rubbing it on. 
I really enjoyed reading about how other women do it. I will try some of the "practices" tonight. =) 
I'm a 14-year-old female and I've been masturbating since I was about 6 or 7. I don't know about any other girls that masturbate around here, and I'm too scared too ask. They'll probably think that I'm sick or desperate. Anyway, I usually masturbate in bed or in front of the computer, (I like to look at porn). Both ways I try to get in a lying position. Then I start massaging my clit with one hand, and I pinch one of my nipples with the other hand. This makes me pretty wet, and if I'm looking at porn at the same time, it's even better. Then, after about a minute or two of doing this, I take one of my fingers and dunk it into my and out, at first slowly, then always faster. Then I just keep the finger inside and rub it against the walls of my pussy - from that point on it doesn't take long until I cum. I masturbate at least once a day, but I have a problem: My little sister, (shes 12). She caught me masturbating once, and I know, (actually I'm pretty sure), that she doesn't masturbate. How can I talk to her about this? I think she thinks I'm sick. 
I am 18 years old and married. I had never had an orgasm in my entire life... until today. My husband and I have a very healthy sex life and I enjoy myself but I have never been able to let myself fall off of the edge into orgasm. I began having sex at the age of 13 and by the age of 16 I had gone through many partners but never found anyone that could push me far enough to experience the rushing pleasure that all of my friends were talking about. I had tried masturbation before but I was ignorant to the fact that I was stimulating the wrong parts of me. I would plunge my fingers deep into my vagina instead of playing with my clitoris. I gave up after only a few attempts at making myself happy. Today I found your website in a search for information about sexually related subjects. I'm fascinated by everything about sexual relationships. I decided to try some of the tips that were listed in your site. I found myself having an orgasm before I knew what hit me. I thought at first that I had urinated on myself and had to actually taste it before I could allow myself to believe what had happened. All it took was a warmed up and well-lubricated cucumber being rubbed against my clitoris very quickly to do the job. Had I known that the only problem I was experiencing before was inexperience then I would have been much better off. 
Hi my name is Holly. My cousin told me about this site. I found it very informative and exciting. After reading some of the masturbating techniques I feel better about what I do. I started at a very young age. About 8 or 9 I remember just rubbing what I latter found out was my clit. It felt good and I did it every chance I got. The first time I had a sexual contact with anyone else was when I was about 10. My male cousin came to visit with his parents. Harry just had his 9th birthday. That night Harry and I were put to bed together. During the night I felt Harry moving. He was masturbating. I watched him finish then showed him how I did it. We spent a long time exploring each other and masturbating. Our adventure continued for several years from hand to oral sex but not intercourse. 
I am now 42 years old and still enjoy the art of masturbation. I should tell you I have a very large clitoris. My GYN told me it is one of the largest she has seen. When erect it is about 1.5 inches. While I enjoy many ways to please myself the best is in a standing position. I take off all my clothes. My pussy is totally shaved. I like to look at my self in the mirror. I spread my legs so that I can see my pussy and my clit. With my left hand I hold my lips open and expose my clit. I gently start to massage my clit with my thumb and four finger of my right hand until it starts to enlarge as it starts to get bigger and extend from the sheath I move my thumb and my fingers to cup what looks like a small cock. I cap and uncap it until I cum. 
While I know others who masturbate I don’t know anyone with a large clitoris. I would be interested to hear from other women with large a clitoris. 
Thanks for a great site 
I love to masturbate a lot. My hubby knows I do it and so does my bi girlfriend. I love to shove large objects into me so I can get off. I have even used a pop bottle. It felt so good. My girlfriend knows how to bring me off even better. She is the one that taught me how to masturbate. All I can say is masturbation is healthy and it feels all sooooo good. 
When I masturbate, I usually lay on my stomach and rub my clit fast. It's weird but I put my legs up, it just feels 100% better! When I rub my clit, I think about girls. I have masturbated in the shower before it feels great. Just let the stream run on your clitoris until you explode. Rubbing your clit against the corner of a bed, couch etc. is awesome. I have many ways of masturbating. I like to suck on my nipples when I'm in a position where I can reach them. My clit is a little smaller than a pea but it brings me great sensation. 
I have to first start off and tell you that I love you site. I am less nervous when the subject of masturbating and sex comes up and it has even helped me out too. But I am here to tell you what I do, so here it goes. 
I have been a very sexual young woman for as long as I can remember. I can remember when I was younger, about 10 years old to 15, my girlfriends and myself, use to explore each other and act out scenes we had seen in the latest late trip into our parents video cabinets. Those where the years I learned to kiss and how to give pleasure and I found out how to pleasure myself. 
The first time this all started was when I slept over at the more "experienced" friend's house when I was 12 years old; was when I first started masturbating regularly. It was late at night and we were watching an adult film and I remember getting aroused. The more intense the scenes got, the wetter my panties got and the more erect my nipples became. My girlfriend had asked if I had even done that before and I said "no" and she wanted to show me how it was done. 
I remember sitting there for a minute contemplating it and after her promising not to tell anymore and myself promising the same thing, we started. We started kissing at first and started touching each other’s chests. She moved her hands down and lifted up my nightgown. I laid down and she started to take off my panties, which were soaked at this point and she just dived right in. 
While she was doing this she started to talk about my clitoris and how it was huge and everything, I had no idea what she was talking about but she showed my where it was and what to do. I just remember lying there and getting so turned on. I never had an orgasm that night, but when she went to bed, I found my little friend again. Haha. From that night on, I have always rubbed it at least once a day. 
I didn't have my first orgasm until I was 15 years old and that was the most wonderful experience. The feeling just came over me and I was hooked. I am now 23 years old and I've actually got bored of using my hand. Once in a while I will, but I have found the wonderful world of vibrators to help me out. And I can thank my Mom for that! Haha. She actually bought it for me, not knowing what I was really going to use it for. She thought it would help out with my back pains. 
What I use is the Windmere Prelude 3. It has a little nubby part you can attach, which is called in some places, a clit tip. And by God, it's amazing. I recommend every women out there to get one of these things. It's wonderful! I can honestly say I orgasm each and every time I use it! 
And Last night, I am proud to say, I had the best orgasm I have ever had. It just kept on coming and coming, I wasn't sure how much more I could take. Haha. To this day, I masturbate at least once a day and I am proud to say I do. 
The first time I ever felt an orgasm I was about 6-7 years old. It was by accident as I was showering with a handheld shower. Suddenly I had this rush of feeling through my whole body and all the muscles in the backs of my thighs cramped up. I had to squat down in the shower to get them to stop cramping. But the rest of the experience was amazing, so I kept doing it every time I took a shower. Eventually I wanted to be able to have that feeling when I wasn't taking a shower, too. When I was 8 I started touching myself between my legs using Vaseline while sitting on the toilet. By the time I was 9 or 10 I could make myself orgasm without the Vaseline or the showerhead. 
I'd always wanted to penetrate myself, but was too afraid to. I guess I also wanted to "save" that for my first love(r). Didn't even use a tampon. Then one night I was sitting in my living room watching a movie with my boyfriend. I was wearing knit pants and was able to discreetly slide my hand down between my legs and slipped my middle finger into my pussy as I looked at him looking at the movie on the TV. He never had any idea. 
We dated for a long time but never had sex. Eventually we broke up and I've yet to fall in love again and I don't intend to have real sex with someone I'm not in love with. But I still love masturbating and pleasing myself. Along came the Internet and I started having private chats with men in sex-themed chat rooms. The men wanted me to touch myself as I talked to them. The more I chatted the more I wanted to experience the feeling of being penetrated and "filled" - even without an in-person partner. 
I'd tried using a long taper candle to penetrate myself, but I really didn't get much feeling out of it. And living at home, I couldn't buy any "toys" that my mother or father might discover. So I had to find something more suitable yet innocent looking. And the more I chatted with men on the internet the more desperate I was to take that activity to the next level of feeling, finding an appropriate item for penetration. Finally, one day, I realized that this souvenir miniature baseball bat of my brother's was long, had a handle and was a little more than an inch thick and would do the trick very nicely. Every time I get on the Internet to chat about sex now, I come armed with my little baseball bat and a fresh condom for it to keep things clean. 
As I chat or look at porn I begin to fondle my left nipple and type with my right hand. Sometimes I reach down to touch my blood-engorged clit/lips. Most times I'm amazed at how quickly I get wet. I find the more "taboo" the role-play in chat, the more soaked I get. I take the "dildo" and start rubbing it on my clit, my legs and my pussy crave to open wide. I slip my naked ass to the edge of my computer chair and spread my legs open wide. When my chat partner gives me the nod, finally I spread the lips of my pussy open and plunge the dildo into me. It fills me and penetration is the most amazing feeling. Finally I alert my chat partner that I will no longer be able to type too much back because I need my right hand to rub my clit and my left hand to plunge the dildo in/out of myself. This usually excites him beyond belief rather than disappoints him, as he pictures what I am doing with myself, imagining I'm doing it with him. I start out by simple in/out motions until I get the dildo wet and warmed by my own body. Then I start moving it around inside me in a circular motion, hitting my vaginal walls rhythmically over and over. The sparks fly in my nerve endings, until finally I have this amazing orgasm in both my vagina and my clitoris. 
Another nice thing to do - when I don't necessarily want to get on the net and chat - is to put the toy bat inside me and then turn a hand-operated muscle-massager on and make contact between it and the toy and let it gently vibrate my vaginal walls. That is the only time/way that I can have a fully vaginal orgasm with no clitoral stimulation involved. 
Hi, my name is Julie and I am 24. I have been masturbating since I am about 15 or so. I love it. You may say it's a hobby. First I look at pictures of naked girls of watch porn to get me nice and wet. If it is porn I always watch the girl on girl parts to imagine it's me they are pleasing. I use my fingers and rub my clit in a circular motion. I take some of my hot juices and rub my hard nipples with it and I rub my clit. This is such a great feeling mmmmmm. Anyway this always does it. Once I orgasm I shove my whole hand up in my pussy and thrust away. It's great and I love to do it.
I have been masturbating since I was a young girl. I have always liked it but now I enjoy it more than I ever have. My boyfriend and I live in different states so we have phone sex usually a few times a week. He will talk to me while I use my vibrator and it has really changed the way I cum. I start out touching my breasts and pinching my nipples, then I begin to move my hips up and down. As I move my vibrator in and out I start to have that feeling of wanting him inside of me, like nothing else matters. Mine has an attachment made to stroke my clit and it feels so good. Sometimes he talks to me sweetly and its like making love, but other times we talk dirty and I love that just as much. The more I hear his voice the wetter my pussy gets. He likes it when I tell him I'm about to cum and the more he says to me the longer and harder I can cum. I trust him so I can say or do anything and know he's getting pleasure from hearing me enjoy myself. It's the closest thing to making love with him that I can experience, which makes it a lot more fun! 
My practice probably bothers most feminists. I'm 41 and I've always used both a vibrator and dildo. I start by watching a video and rub the dildo along my lips...then I insert the dildo and aggressively fuck myself...when I feel the buildup I turn on the vibrator and finish myself off...I'm hooked on this. Am I alone? 
Hi my name is Nikki, I've been masturbating since I was about 10 years old, I'm 21 years old. I didn't think anything was wrong with it until one of my friends said she thought it was sick. I had this big fight with her about it and now we don't even talk. I still don't think anything is wrong with masturbating because it's a sign of self-love. And before you can love anyone else you have to be able to love yourself. 
Well I got this way of masturbating; I don't think about anything when I masturbate. First I start out by touching my nipples, slowly and softly, I go around them with my index fingers on both hands. I don't have very big beasts but I love them, they're nice to touch. 
I can feel my lips down there getting very wet, (I won't touch 'em until I can't take it any more. I rub my inner thighs.) I tease my clit by touching everywhere but it, I can feel it jumping out at me, so I apply only the softest of touches to it, It almost hurts, I explode with delight at the feel of something pushing my clit, I need more. So I get my dildo and rub like crazy then slow it down before going mad and do it again. I start moving my hips to the delight of it and before I cum, it's not like the orgasms I have when I have sex but it's more like 5 or 6 quick rushes before one long one. It's so good. 
I've been masturbating since I was about 4 or 5, I remember having the urge to put myself under the running bathtub faucet. I didn't really know what I was doing until I was about 15. Then I realized I'd been masturbating, I used to think there was something wrong with me, until I realized almost all women do it. I had only done it in the bathtub and shower until I was 15, then I used to use one of those pens with the batteries in them, they vibrate while you write with them. I didn't explore myself until I was about 17, then I used to orgasm only with my finger, I thought that was wild, and I used to do it every night. Now my favorite method is using my dildo, I place it on the side of the bathtub (it has a suction cup on the bottom), and then I pile up pillows on either side and put my knees on the pillows while I straddle the dildo, first I just rub it against my lips until my juices are flowing, then it just slides right in, and I hump until I orgasm. It is so wild; I'm shaking when I stand up. I love it!!! 
Hi, I am a 14-year-old girl who just discovered an awesome way to have a mind-boggling orgasm. First of all, I go into my bathroom all by myself and take off all my clothes. I put my hair up so it doesn't get in the way, you can't have any distractions! Now I let the tub water run until it's hot but not scorching hot. Now I lie back in the tub and spread my legs in a very sexual way. I put my vagina at the front of the bathtub under the faucet (resting my butt on the tub floor) so the water is hitting my clitoris. I instantly feel a sensation. Now I crank up the water temperature just a little and it makes me start to breath really heavily. Then I thrust my wet and throbbing pussy up to the faucet then back down again. I am breaking out into a sweat and my clit is pulsing and is about to explode. The next thing I know I'm feeling this rush all over my body and I am trying to catch my breath. It goes from the inside of my thighs right to my toes, up to my bubble breasts then to my brain. I am out of breath and I clumsily turn the water pressure on as high as it will go and the temperature a little bit higher. I am so intense as I grasp for the faucet or anything I can hold on to. The feeling is so heavy right now I scream out in ecstasy!! I feel warm liquid running out through my pussy as fast as a speeding train. It's all over and now I just lay on my back, in a sweat, breathing very hard, thinking. 
Caution! When you are sexually aroused your muscle coordination decreases and your pain threshold increases. Adjusting the hot water faucet after you start masturbating could result in your making it too hot, or not realizing how hot the water really was. You could accidentally burn your vulva, ouch! 
One technique I haven't really heard mentioned here, but it's a technique I love, is lying down in the bathtub under the rush of the spout. It's a lot more intense than a showerhead I think and I like relaxing on my back with my legs up on the walls. I control the heat with my feet, making the water hotter as I get closer to orgasm. Just be careful not to make it too hot. With this method I don't even need to play with my clit. The power of the water does it for me. 
I also masturbate with different dildos. One actually cost me $75!!!! It's called The Tongue and it moves in many directions. It's awesome. When I was younger I used those bending hair sticks that you use to put waves in your hair. I would hold a few of them together or split them up between my ass and my vagina. 
Unlike most women, and very politically incorrect, I think about two men together or different scenes of incest in which I'm a young girl again. I was never molested but for some reason these ideas turn me on though I am aware of how unhealthy the reality is. I love the idea of getting someone to do something they would never admit to wanting. Like a gay man seducing a straight man. I love anal sex too so many times when I masturbate I imagine penetrating my boyfriend, which we have tried a few times. 

Pengalaman Masturbasi
Halaman 5

Hmmmm.....lets see, I have been masturbating since I was a young teen.....All my life I have been very orgasmic....I think I had my 1st orgasm at about 14.....I used to sit in the tub and just start out stroking my clit softly....just small circles.....I would sometimes have a mirror, because visual stimulation turns me on....I would watch my finger gently stroking my clit and get all excited...usually inserting something into my pussy as I felt the stong sensations mount....God it was awsome....I loved to fantasize about things when I do.....usually someone doing it for me.....I'm not into it was usually a man between my thighs licking wildy....I love oral sex.....I love to have someone get me right to the point of orgasm and then have them put their cock inside me and let their fingers or mine take me the rest of the way....I love the feeling of a strong finger touching my clit....leaning back and letting my mind wander...OMG...can cum for hours.......Just nothing better :0)...............................Eli 
I am going to be sixteen and I masturbate using pacifiers (rubber nipples.) I am a virgin so one big nipple in me and the other moving fast around my clitoris makes me quiver. Everyone should have a few in all different sizes and texture. You might laugh because you think of them only for babies but they feel so good...try it. I hope people try this. 
Part II: 
Ok, well they feel like flesh when you rub them down there. So what I have done is after a shower I spread my legs and rub them around my whole pussy untill it kinda opens and then put the bigger one in the bigger hole and then use the little hard one to play with my g-spot. You should try it, it gives you shivers all over. I have tried alot of things but this is the best...and rubbing them wet on your nipples helps alot too. 
My name is Jinous. I am a 20 years old girl and love masturbation. One of my most favorite methods of masturbating is by using an object that is warm, soft, smooth, and slimy. For this purpose, I use an Aubergine (French for egg-plant ) with a suitable size and straight length because it is soft and its skin is smooth enough. For total pleasure the Aubergine should be warm. I warm it by inserting it into warm water. Before doing that, it should lubricate completely with lubricating jelly. At this time, everything is ready for a very delightful masturbation session. I rub my nipples, clitoris and labia minora until I am thoroughly wet, then I insert my fingers into my vagina one by one and for this I use my vaginal lubrication. When my vagina becomes ready, I insert warm and slimy Aubergine into my vagina. Ohh!!! is lovely thing. I move it back and forth many times for my first orgasm. The next step, I rub my anus and play with it and by using lubricating jelly, I lubricate it. Then I insert my fingers inside. 
After relaxation of my sphincter, I insert Aubergine into my anus. Ohhh!!! it is very pleasueable too. I love it so much. It is unbelievable but lovely Aubergine goes into my anus very conveniently. I move it back and forth into my anus and at the same time rubbing my clitoris till I reach my second orgasm. Try it. This kind of masturbation will be very desireable so that you cannot forget the pleasurable times with your lovely Aubergine. Good Luck. 
I am a 27 years old and been married for 8 years. I read the emails regarding the masturbation technique of lying on your stomach with interest. I have been doing this all my life although I have tried on many occasions lying on my back. I honestly thought I was the only one. Recently I have tried lying on my back without much success. I get aroused and well lubricated but have to always switch back to my stomach to achieve orgasm. 
I have finally managed on some occassions to reach orgasm with my husband when he lies on his back and me on top. I have to really grind myself down on him varying the movements so that my clit rubs on him. It helps if I bend forward to kiss him or if he raises his head to suck and bite my nipples. I have to be very relaxed and in control with erotic images and thoughts in my head. He knows this is the only position that I can cum with him and he is very loving while I ride him, always carressing my face, body and ass. Sometimes we cum together or when I am done then he turns me over and then it's his turn. I don't try to fake it because he can feel the difference in my vagina when I cum. Also him sitting on a chair or the bed and me on top rocking back and forth helps me to cum. 
Another way I discovered recently is if he does me from the back with me lying on my stomach. This way I can just masturbate normally...only problem is he cums too quickly because he can feel my vaginal walls contracting. But we working on that by starting that position first (usually we do that position last after various other ones) 
I hope that this may help some of your readers who masturbate on their stomachs. Don't get me wrong I am still practicing the other methods that all your other readers are raving about. 
I'm going to start by saying that I'm also like Betty, I think of men with men and occasionally incest. 
I was never molested, my family was wonderful. The thought of someone doing something they shouldnt is wonderful! I had my first orgasm around 11. I had to climb a pole to unwind a swing and on the way up it happened. From then on I'd rub against anything I could. As I got older, I would lay on my stomach with my palm facing up and rub against that. I'm 27 now and can do it on my back. I still have to use the palm of my hand on my clit but can use a finger inside of me also. I haven't used any toys yet but can't wait. 
I think that this is a great site! I started masturbating when I was 4 years old. At the time, I just pressed my hand up against the crotch of my panties, crossed my legs, and pressed. I did this for many years. Then when I was about 12, I found out where my clitoris was and started doing things differently. I like to touch it in several ways. My favorite way is to use the second and third fingers of my right hand against the right side of the shaft. I move it in small, hard circles--giving it a good massage. Sometimes I like to use those same fingers and touch the tip of the clitoris directly in gentle circles, but only if I'm really worked up first. I like the way it feels all wet and slippery. Always, I like to press my left fingers on my left labia and pull it up to intensify the feeling. If I have a lot of time, I'll tease my clitoris for a long time before rubbing it. I like to use light, feathery strokes until I can't stand it anymore. I'm always on my back with my legs spread and knees bent. Sometimes I'll watch myself in a hand mirror and sit propped up. I like to watch myself get wet. I can only have one orgasm with myself, but when I'm with a partner, I can have five or six. 
Hi, well I'm 17, and I've been masturbating since I was about 7. I love fantasizing about women. But I've been using this one technique since I started and to this very day it's the best I've ever come across. My technique is that I get into my shower....I take the shower head (the one that has a hose and extends) I sit on the floor, spread my legs...adjust the settings and temperature...and after that I sit in an "Indian style" position with it trapped in between my legs hitting my clit. I start touching my breasts and leaning forward...then I have this monstrous orgasm so quickly and it's almost unbearable. Are there any more shower/bathtub techniques? 
I have been masturbating since I was 15 and started by rubbing my clitoris in a circular motion whilst lying in front of a mirror naked. The sight of my large breasts used to turn me on no end. I love tweaking my nipples so that they become erect and then I skim them with my free hand. This in turn makes my clitoris more sensitive and I become wet almost immediately. I soon afterwards discovered the pleasure to be had by pointing a shower hose at my clitoris and by gently moving the water pressure from side to side, in this way I would experience the most intense orgasms that often last for what seems like minutes. They are so intense that my body shakes and tears stream down my face. I have since shown my girlfriend this way of coming and she too now enjoys the same pleasure with the shower hose! 
This isn't so much of a technique... but I find that men rub or even lick too hard on the clit... I love to have it kissed, blown or rubbed ever so gently, yet fast, butterfly wings I call them. Anyway, back to myself. I find that I can have the most amazing orgasms when I am alone. I lie on my back, smooth oil over my breasts and tummy and work the oil downwards until I reach my pussy. I gently press it open with 2 fingers and with my middle finger run it the length of my pussy until I reach my clitoris. I gently rub my clit with this finger, gently all the time, but getting faster as I get more turned on. It sounds corny, but I get this warm feeling inside, to the tips of my toes, and when I start to quiver and my finger can't go anymore, I start with my vibrator. Sometimes I just hold in on my clit, and let the vibrations take me to orgasm, other times I rub it fast over my clit, when my orgasm is building up and I don’t think I can take anymore I keep going, I start to buck my hips onto the vibrator which gives me such a powerful orgasm... All this and no penetration...... I finish off by either inserting the vibrator or my fingers to feel the muscles of my pussy contract with the orgasm. It is soooooooooooo good. Want to do it now!!! lol. 
I have one masturbation technique; it is to turn the water in the tub on full and to open my vulva. It is great. Then I rub my nipples with my right hand. I hold my vulva open with my left hand. 
Hi. I'm Shelly. I'm 14 and have masturbated since I was 11. I was always interested in sex since I was like 4. I'm horny all the time and luv to cum. I like to sit on the edge of the couch (in the basement where no one ever goes) and bend forward and stick my hand in my cunt. I turn on my favorite song that makes me so horny cuz they talk about fucking*. I get all wet and start rubbing my clit with my right index and middle fingers. I move my pelvis in circles so that my anus rubs against the edge of the couch, which makes me so wanna fuck! I cum in about 3 minutes, and I like to pee myself right there a little bit before and while I'm cummin. I love this site and visit it everyday. 
*The song l listen to can be found on the album "LUDACRIS- Back for the First Time" ............ track 15-What's Your Fantasy Remix. 
I really like the site, good job! After reading through the masturbation stories from other girls I've learned that many began pleasuring themselves at very young ages. This makes me feel better, cause I remember masturbating when I was as young as 5 maybe? I don't know how, but I discovered that climbing a rope felt great and it went on from there. So I have a lot of different masturbation techniques. One that I didn't read about is my creation that I call the "pillow mound." I like to take off my panties, and just leave on maybe a tank top or something, and then stack up about 4 or 5 pillows on my bed. Then you just straddle the mound and rock, or grind back and forth to orgasm, but you need to put a towel or something over the pillows cause it gets all wet and slimy down there. If you want something firmer to ride, you can put a beanie baby, or something of like matter, under the towel, and adjust it between your lips. This feels great, but gets you sore the first time. After I take a shower or bath, and still naked in the bathroom, I sometimes straddle the side of the bathtub and grind my pubic area all over it. This gets me really excited when I start to hear wet, dirty noises....this gives you a real slimy, wet, and warm orgasm.......mmmmmm.......: ) 
I'm 49 years old and have been masturbating for my entire life. I love my clit. No one has loved my clit as much as me. I only play with my magic button about once a week. After everyone goes to bed I stay up. I sit on the couch and pull down my panties. My clit is already swollen at this time. I usually use my own saliva to really get my clit slick. Then I stroke back and forth. I sometime drool my saliva onto my clit. It's so warm. I cum almost immediately. 
My mother - who is very old fashioned, lives with me. So whatever I do, I must do quietly as discretely. Since I'm a shy person who can't find the courage to by a dildo or a vibrator - I purchased an Easytoner from K-Mart (It is a small cylinder w/ a vibrating ball at the top.) I press the ball against my clit and think of that secret love. 
Hi my name is Mandy I am 16 years old and I love to masturbate. First, I start by start by taking off my shirt and pants then I take off my bra. Second, I usually start to rub myself above my panties; usually a thong. Third, I slide a finger into my vagina and I also make small circular motions with my middle finger on my clit. Then I take two fingers and I slide them into my vagina. I slide them in and out very rapidly until I cum. When I try other things to get off, I slide two fingers into my anus and with my other hand I just rub my pussy. 
I read many of the entries, but found none that described one of my techniques. I start out as most women do, gently playing with my nipples and teasing myself. When I'm wet and juicy, I dip my fingers in ice water and then begin to play with my clitoris. It feels so good! It's a very nice contrast from the heat of my pussy and clitoris. If I'm really hot, I will take a small ice cube and rub it around my clit. I can't continue this to orgasm because it is too intense, but it is a great way to get me really hot. After the ice melts and I feel like I couldn't take anymore, I play with my clit and simultaneously slide 2 fingers in and out of my vagina. If I go slow enough, I can come more than once. The bathtub also works great. However I can usually only get one orgasm out of that. 
Hey... I'm 15 years old, in high school. I've been masturbating since I was really little, so far back I can't remember. I had all these crazy techniques like riding a bike with no panties, or just playing with myself. It would suck getting caught by my mom though, but that kinda made it "dangerous." 
My friends all think masturbation is dirty but I think it’s seriously the best thing. Since my boyfriend lives in another state, I don't really get to see him that much and masturbation is a very good thing. I've done it over the phone a couple of times for him and he gets so turned on by it, so do I. 
My favorite way is probably the whole running water thing. When I'm alone and I hafta be alone cuz I make alotta noise, but anyway, I start the water, making sure its not too hot but hot enough, and very forceful.. Then I position myself under the running water so it hits directly on my clit + oh my god. I swear, it feels like you're floating and your clit throbs for hours afterwards. When I wanna be really quick, I'll go to my room. I have a semi-hard pillow that I roll up and lay on the edge of the bed, then straddle, with my legs over the edge of the bed. Then I grind from there, going slow then ending up faster until I hit an orgasm. I can do that in about 5 minutes, not long at all; and it feels great. 
I don't have a vibrator yet cause its not really something you can ask your mom for.. hah.. but yeah, soon. Hope your little masturbation adventures are going well too. 
I love to masturbate... I've been doing it forever, it feels like. My favorite way is to lie face down and gently grab my breasts and feel my nipples. I imagine some older man whispering, "your hot" or "I can't wait to be inside you," in my ear. Then I slowly unzip my jeans and place my hand on my already wet and warm vulva. I stroke my clit up and down slowly imagining this man is taking all this time just to enjoy me. I then began to quicken my speed and I breath hard and moan. I place one of my fingers inside myself as I come. It's so great and amazing to come like this. Sometimes I imagine he is eating me out, so to say. I guess this is one way to let my fantasy's become reality. 
I'm 17 and I masturbate almost everyday, I do it at night when everyone is asleep. I rub my clit in small hard circles and insert two fingers into my vagina. I love feeling my walls get tight around my fingers, a few minutes after I start, I hit an orgasm. It's SO good! 
Hello! My name is Lillie I'm 16 and I love to masturbate. I have been masturbating since I was about 5 or 6. At first I didn't know what that feeling was but I knew it was a great feeling so I kept doing it. I was also sexually abused when I was little so that might have some thing to do with how I act now. I am not ashamed that I masturbate. I love it. The best thing that I have found to do is when I lay down on my back, I often start to touch my nipples to get me started, then I work my way around my body. At first I would start to circle around my clit then use the tip of my middle finger and slide it up and down my whole pussy. After I start to get worked up I roll on to my tummy then start to fantasize about a man about 20 or so taking a little girl and ripping of her panties and licking at her before he enters her. For some reason this usually get me really going, Then sometimes I get this fantasy that there is this teacher who is teaching sex ed. and he demonstrates how to have sex by getting a girl from the class room to help him. This ends up him taking her. I don't know why I get so work up about this. I used to think masturbating was wrong, because of religion reasons. But since I found this site I have found myself more comfortable with myself, and talking about it. 
My name is Sally, I'm 54, I love to masturbate and have been doing so since the age of 6. I am a twin and while on vacation with my family in 1952 my sister and I were taking a bath and her foot accidentally pressed against me with her toe directly on my clit. At first I told her to move her foot off of my nu-nu but instead she just pressed harder and wiggled her toes. It was immediate and it was powerful and I immediately did the same to her and she had the very same reaction. 
After that first accidental discovery it became a daily (and sometime more frequent) indulgence. We would often masturbate ourselves but most frequently we would do each other. This practice continued until we were 10 years old. That was when I caught my brother Terry (he is exactly one year older) jerking off. It scared him to death but I convinced him that it was okay and his secret was safe because Molly and I played with ourselves also. 
It took a little coaxing but we finally convinced him to join Molly and me. We were both totally infatuated with his cock and the way it felt in our hands as we jerked him off and regularly let him rub our clits. The more we did it the more we enjoyed it and our climaxes continued to get stronger and stronger. 
By the time we were in our teens we had started to engage, occasionally, in oral sex. We would all do each other, but most often it was just masturbation. While we talked about it quite a lot we never actually fucked each other. 
Our practice of masturbation and occasional oral sex with each other has continued to this day. We all married by the time we were 23 and are all still happily married. Our spouses have not a clue about what has been going on for all these years. 
My brother recently moved away and I don't get to see him as often so we have started to engage in phone sex. I receive a call from him every morning right after my husband leaves for work. This has been even more exciting than any thing that we have ever done. My sister and I have decided that it is finally time to take this three-way relationship to the next level. Maybe? 
When I was a teen and desiring penetration I discovered a hairbrush with a long and wide oblong handle. I would lie on my back and hike up my hips and legs like in the bicycling exercise, using my hands to hold my butt up. This allowed gravity to 'push' the brush down. Then I would rotate the brush in circles using my thighs. Grind and squeeze, rotate and grind. It was great. I am 47 now and have always used masturbating to release tension and teach me about how my body enjoys pleasure. 

Pengalaman Masturbasi
Halaman 6

My name is Jen and I'm 16. I've been masturbating since I was very young, probably three years old, but only recently has it become a pastime for me. I'm a virgin and definitely not ready for sex, but I do embrace my sexuality. I feel that by masturbating I get to know my body more and then I will know what I want from a partner in the future when I'm ready for a physical relationship. 
Since I was little I've been rubbing against things like blankets and pillows. I was caught a few times but I didn't realize why it was 'wrong' or even what I was doing. As I got older I learned more about my body and exactly what masturbation was. Since then, every summer when I was home alone I'd go through my daily masturbation routine but after a while I started feeling guilty. I don't know why, I guess because I had been told that it was 'bad' so I tried to stop. Well, as a sexual being that is very impossible. You can't suppress your sexuality once you've discovered it. 
Up until last year I wasn't very experimental, then I discovered the Internet and sought out information on masturbation. I learned about the 'shower technique' but was a little discouraged since my shower-head was not detachable. I finally perfected a way to control the water flow and once I did it was wonderful. 
Orgasms for me are really beautiful and euphoric; I hold them as sacred as I do my own virginity. Up until that point I still did not understand the origin of my pleasure until one night I was visiting my dad and stepmother and they had rented a movie for me with my favorite actor in it. I had no idea that the movie had any sexuality in it but as I watched it, it became apparent and I started getting aroused. I put my hand between my legs in a fist and rotated my thumb against my clit. It took me a while, I went into the bathroom so as not to be interrupted, stood against the wall and continued. That was really my awakening. I was so weak and euphoric; I shook for an hour afterwards and fell into the most wonderful sleep. 
The good stuff: 
When I returned home with my new found knowledge of my body I experimented with everything. I'm not comfortable with penetration so that isn't part of my practice at all but I have tried everything I can think of on my clit. The shower is still my favorite technique and I have since gotten a detachable shower-head. I've come up with a few techniques with that that I haven't seen mentioned here that I'd like to share. 
The obvious one is laying on your back holding the shower head near your vulva and finding a comfortable setting for the water spray, then opening the vulva and spraying the water on the clitoris or labia minora. usually takes me forever to climax and my fingers would get tired of holding my labia open so I hooked the shower-head between my big toe and second toe and put my leg up letting the water hit my clit. This works very well if you like to be 'open' while masturbating. 
Another good one is to stand with your legs spread and bent slightly then let the water hit your open vulva, clitoris and labia minora. It also helps to be near the faucet so you can change the water temp from cool to hot (the hot water mimics your own internal body fluid temperature causing a wave of 'cum' when it hits your labia minora, its a very nice feeling). This resulted out of a want to clench my leg muscles while climaxing, this way you can tense your muscles and bounce or gyrate against the water spray, plus you're standing up which is a great feeling. 
Other than that I've tried the vacuum but it causes the air to be cold around your clit which isn't pleasant, pearls massaged against the clit but that can catch your skin and pinch it, also not pleasant. I'm still working on just using my fingers around my clit but haven't succeeded yet. Also, makeup brushes (obviously ones that have no been used and will not be used for makeup) are wonderful on the clit. The days I wear tight jeans I come home in a frenzy to 'get off' without realizing why at first. 
The one really big perk of masturbation that people seem to neglect are its effects on your physical appearance. Between drinking lots of water and eating semi-sensibly and masturbating I've lost 20 lb. and toned my whole body, especially my leg muscles. It’s GREAT for those of us who happen to store fat in the butt and hip area. So not only does masturbation contribute to your awareness of your sexuality and your body it contributes to your love of yourself and the love of your physical appearance which is SOOO important in a society where women are constantly pelted with images of 'attractive' women that they can never look like due to the lack of real-life airbrushing. 
It really has made me a better person. Thanks sooooo much for letting me share:) 
I'm 14 yrs old. I've been masturbating since I was 9 or 10. When I first came across masturbation, I used to feel really guilty. I would get out of the shower and sit on the floor in my room and pee on the towel. I never had an orgasm, but it felt so good. Later, I discovered it felt good to rub my pussy on things. So, I would lock the bathroom door and turn on the shower, like I was taking a bath, so no one would suspect. I'd get on my knees on the bathroom floor, with a washcloth or bath towel underneath me. Then I would hump or ride the washcloth or bath towel. I would think about this older guy I had a crush on; he was 15 at the time. I would picture him naked. I got my first orgasm this way. Then I started humping stuffed animals. When I was 12, I used to hold it [urine] in when I had to use the restroom, for like 2 hrs. Then I'd take one of my younger brother's pull ups [a diaper], and turn on the shower, acting like I was taking a bath. I'd pee in the diaper and then lie on my stomach on the floor and just lie there in the pee. It felt so good. I would start moving back and forth, and have a great orgasm. I still use some of those methods, and now I also use the showerhead. But I like to get nice and wet, usually by porn that I look at over the Internet, and then go sit in front of the mirror in my room. Then I start to rub my clit and fantasize. It's so good. I love it! 
I always use a vibrator and at the same time insert my middle finger into my vagina and stimulate my G-Spot slowly. If I go slowly with both clitoral stimulation and fingering in and out, plus G-Spot stimulation, I will have multiple orgasms constantly. I find it arousing to do the same technique bent over as I enter myself from behind, my finger slowly dipping deeper, and the vibrator on my clit underneath me. I sometimes go to the whirlpool and have the water spray directly on my clit; that starts the throbbing underwater orgasms. There is nothing better than being a sexually oriented woman! 
Hi, I only discovered masturbation five or so years ago but only in the last few years have I got really good at it. I feel in order to have a sense of your sexual needs you must discover yourself first. I am not afraid to masturbate in front of my husband in fact many times we just masturbate with each other and we seem to have a stronger connection. I also recently discovered my attraction to other women and have experienced the relationship with another woman, I feel more women need to be more open with their bodies and not be afraid like we were taught as children, when I have a daughter of my own someday, I am going to teach her not to be afraid of her body, but to love it. Thank-you for this wonderful site! 
Hi. My name is Amanda; I’m 16 and bi-sexual. The way I like to masturbate is, when I'm kissing my girlfriend I fantasize about seeing her naked and that usually gets me ready. I like to start with one finger in my pussy and as I start to finger myself faster, I insert 2 or 3. 
Hi. I love my pussy and it stays hot all the time lately, no matter how much my husband fucks me. I have been masturbating since I was a kid, and I still do it a lot. I seem to cum too quick when I get off by myself, and I wish I could make it last a little longer. 
One great way I discovered I have not read on your site. I took one of the big sized plastic barrels that the mini M & M's come in and used it to masturbate. Talk about orgasms! Wow! I could do it over and over and still keep cumming. I pulled off all my clothes and propped up on my bed in front of a mirror. First I rolled around some and played with my giant tits. I started getting all wet and horny so I took the can and started stroking my pussy with it. I did not fuck myself with it because of the edges on the end. But, as I took bigger and bigger strokes, the plastic got hotter and hotter as it rubbed against my hot, wet pussy! Wow! I was cumming in about a minute. I was still so hot so I stroked my throbbing pussy some more with the can and I was cumming again. I must have done this three or four times in a row and was still so hot I could not stand it. My pussy was dripping and I could smell its sweet smell in the air. Best of all, with this much masturbating and cumming, my fingers and wrist weren't tired at all. Man, I am getting so wet and horny just thinking about it! My next fantasy is to see how many times I can cum while I am in the tanning bed! Talk about fun! 
Hi, I started when I was about 10 or 11. First I found out that just rubbing the whole area on a arm of a chair, or with my hand or something really made me feel good. As time went on I would find new ways to making that pleasure come back only better. I started inserting things into my vagina. Anything I could find around the house worked. In the past, I've used candlesticks, carrots, markers; I've even made my own dildos. After I would get these things from around the house I would lie down on my bed and spread my leg apart as far as they could go and bend my knees. Then, I would take the object and rub it in between the lips to get myself and it wet. Then, I would insert it moving in and out while massaging my clit in a circular motion. I could orgasm in minutes this way. I'm now 16 and I do this at least twice a day when everyone's asleep. If during the day I feel horny, I just stick something small in my vagina like a maker and lay on my bed and read while moving my legs a little to make it stimulate just a little. I can do this for hours just teasing myself to wait for the night. I wish my friends would tell me how they do it to. 
Well for me the technique I use is I get in the tub; I have a regular size tub. I lay on my back first and turn my water to the hottest I can bear. I play with my nipples and get them hard, then I use my two fingers on my right hand and play with my clit. I get as close to the water as I can putting my butt against the back of the tub and put my clit under the water and turn it up full blast and let it run on my clit until I can’t stand it. It feels like a long tongue going to work then.....bammm.....I move cause it feels so good it is unbearable. Then I take my two fingers and put then in and move them in a circular motion until I cum a second time then play with my titties and I do this every morning or every time I get in the tub. Try it boy does it work 
I have different techniques of masturbation, depends how I feel that very moment, when I am horny. Sometimes, I do it 3-4 times a day. Today, I got down on my knees, watched myself in a mirror and started to grasp my nipples and than lick them. I imagine that my boyfriend watches me (he lives far away from me, in another country, for the moment I hope...). Then I started to rub my clit with my vibrator, fast, but with a very soft touch and kept licking my nipples. When I was about to come I extended the excitement towards the vagina zone and then thrust the vibrator inside my pussy and had a mega G-spot orgasm. I like anal stimulation too, my boyfriend bought me some toys and I use them often. I like to excite my clit, my anus, and my vagina at the same time and explode into a great orgasm. I am crazy about oral sex, so I fantasize a lot on this theme while I'm masturbating. 
I am a 20 year old married woman. I have been masturbating for a pretty long time now. I have really short fingers, which makes it hard to have vaginal penetration. I have tried many times to no avail. I have found a really great technique for vaginal penetration since my fingers are not a choice for me. I have a lotion bottle that is about 2 inches wide and 6 inches long. I love to stick it in my pussy and get off like that. It feels so exhilarating! I have used a variation of bottles, such as shampoo bottles, other lotion bottles, face-cleansing bottles, etc. My pussy throbs like never before when I do this! 
Another method: I lay flat on my back, preferably on the floor so there is no bouncing around of the bed. I straighten out my feet and put them together. I then place my right hand on my pussy and my left hand on top of my right hand. I use my middle finger of my right hand to rub my up & down, up & down on my clit. I have always put my left hand on top of my right hand. It just feels better that way. I can't come if I don't. I suppose it's because my left hand provides more pressure to my pussy that just my right hand alone. Using this method, I usually come in about 1 minute. After I come, I usually do this again 3 or 4 more times. It takes up a lot of energy to do this. My legs are straightened out in front of me and very tensed up. But it feels damn good!!!!! 
I have always wanted to try using other objects such as cucumbers, squash, and other edibles to insert in my pussy but have never gotten brave enough. Maybe some day I will get brave! Wish me luck!!! 
I have a really good masturbation technique that I've recently discovered. I prop myself up against the headboard of my bed (leaning back), with a couple pillows behind me with my legs spread wide. Then I use a vibrator to lightly touch my clit, and bring it back, kind of teasing myself. This gets me really horny and lubricated. Once I feel like penetration would be pleasurable I insert a cylinder-like brush handle into my vagina. I rotate it inside of me, while still teasing myself with the vibrator. After I get really hot, I let the vibrator come in contact with the part of the brush that's outside my body. This makes the brush vibrate inside me, while the vibrator is still on my clit...OMG! Then I squeeze my vaginal muscles to hold the brush in, so my hands are free to work the vibrator. This gives me the most intense orgasms I've ever had. 
Hello I have enjoyed this site and reading about how other woman masturbate. And I wanted to share my favorite ways to please my self. I love to lay on the bed with all my clothes off and I first start playing with the boobs and gently pinching my nipples this starts me to feeling really good. I then start to feel my vagina getting hot and wet then I take my left hand and open my outer lips really wide I love to have my lips spread open then with my right hand I use my finger and slowly at first rub my clit up and down making sure that I go down and get my finger wet I like for my clit to be wet then, I start going around in circles on my clit it feels so good then take my finger or sometimes two fingers and stick in side me and take them in and out slow then a little faster till it starts to really feeling good then come back up and rub my clit and sometimes I'll smack my clit this feels so good it makes my clit start to swell then I rub around in circles on my clit faster and faster then I feel like I'm ready to cum I stick my fingers back in me and rub my clit at the same time oh my; what a orgasm I have it's great. I also use the hand held shower attachment and hold it directly on my clit and have some of the most wonderful orgasms ever. Thanks for letting me share my story. 
I've been masturbating since I was about 9. I used to do the way where I would bunch up a blanket or jacket or something, and hump it. I still use that technique, but I recently started using the showerhead technique. OMG it feels sooo good! Feeling the hot water pounding on my clit! I reach orgasm in about a minute. For people who haven't tried this way... You have to! It is wonderful, and the orgasms are intense and unbearable! 
Hi my name is Tabbie and I'm 19..I"ve been masturbating since I was about 11 I think, I used to get those gloves from the doctor's office and fill them up with water, and hold the water in one finger so it was hard and insert it in my vagina while I rubbed the top part over my clit that I really didn't even know was there as the time, I think I really discovered myself when I was about 12, I started with water spray in the bathroom, I would lay on my back and turn the water on full blast and get under the bath spray, I think the first time I did this I came instantly...after that I used everything I could, my favorite was the bath, or this vibrating pen I used to put on my clit while I spread my pussy lips apart while sitting in front of this large mirror I had in my bedroom...God I remember how easily I use to cum then...I have recently discovered a new technique since I have moved out on my own. I like to lay on my back on my bed and I have this back message thing that has a heat radiated head, I press this against my clit while I insert a dildo in my vagina and my middle finger into my butt while keeping the top of my hand pressed on to the top of the vibrator and I start to move my finger in my ass and the vibrator in my pussy in thrusts while keeping the massager on my clit..omg! I cum so hard and fast..sometimes I can't go to sleep without it, try works wonders! 
I have been masturbating since I can remember. I started by rubbing up against arms of chairs or couches and humping my stuffed animals. I used to find my dad's porn and read and stare at the pictures. I also read some of my mother's romance novels. All these things made me so hot and wet. About two years ago I finally discovered how great it was to touch my hard juicy clit directly when I was really wet. In fact it makes me wet just thinking about it. My favorite thing to do is rub my clit while boyfriend is fingering me or even fucking me (especially from behind) I love tightening up on something hard inside my pussy. I love this sight and visit it at least once a week. Its given me some awesome orgasms. Thanks keep them cUmming!!! 
I’m a 41 year old woman....seems kind of funny writing this but actually I promised a friend I would...I have always had a very huge appetite for sex and been very orgasmic, but was raised with the "old fashioned" don’t "touch yourself down there"...My sex life has been wonderful been married to a awesome man for many years. I really never knew what I was missing till I began reading your site...I’ve always been very orgasmic....just never brought myself to pleasure alone...I love oral sex and very sensual foreplay...My story begins...One day here on the web I met a very sexy older man...we began a very sensual online relationship...he is very sexual...very caring and makes me feel very sexually day we started to play....just sexy chat..and I got very very hot....I think he did was kind of amazing....he kind of took control of the situation and I found myself wanting to touch myself with every sensual sweet word....I sat back and began to finger my wet he instructed I began massaging my clit.........I had never had an orgasm like this...OMG...Just slowly massaged in slow soft circles...spreading my thighs fantasizing he was doing a we kept the sensual chat up I began to get more and more excited...I had a different feeling I had never experienced....I think me controlling the strokes and movements on my body made it more was kind of cool....I felt like a "Virgin" all over again....all of a sudden the familiar feeling came upon me.....I was instructed to stroke my clit faster. OMG it was so awesome....I bursted into I think one of the most explosive orgasms I had ever had....I could barley touch myself things were so sensitive....I think having your mind stimulated as well as your body is wonderful....Just want to say in closing "thanks" to my very special friend for opening a new and wonderful world up for me.....he'll never know how much it means to me....heh heh heh gonna send this letter to him. Love your site. 
I have been masturbating since I was twelve. I would often stay home from school and spend the day exploring my budding body. I would first caress my breast and then move down to my clit. I would sometimes use a brush to provide vaginal penetration. Now that I am older and married and can truly appreciate my beautiful pussy. My clitoris is bigger than average and I truly enjoy it. My husband does not have as strong of a sex drive as I do. I can't wait until he leaves home so I can pleasure my self. I have a dildo that is truly amazing. I read the experiences of other women and insert this special piece of equipment into my wet pussy. I get very juicy and enjoy listening to the slurping sound it makes. It also has a clitoris stimulator, so I enjoy getting both spots going at the same time. I have to go now and finish. 
I have masturbated from about 6 years old and love to play with myself, on my own I lay on my back and bring my legs back so I can get both hands between my legs. Then I spread my pussy lips open with one hand and quickly flick my clit with the middle finger of the other hand. As I get wetter I slow down and start to rub my clit and then begin to penetrate myself, as I get more turned on the deeper my two middle fingers go until I am fucking myself harder until I come. 
The best way is with my b/f, we strip each other from the waist down and I sit on the side of the bed or the couch. I open my legs and he kneels in front of me or sits on the floor. The sight of him naked below and dressed up top adds to the excitement, I begin to pull myself open and let him watch me finger my pussy as he starts to jerk off. We look at each others genitals as we masturbate and encourage each other to come, the sight of his balls moving and the slapping sound as he pulls his cock is a real turn on for me and sometimes I smear some of my juices under his nose so he can smell me as he jerks off. Just rubbing my clit really hard and dipping my finger in is enough to make me come violently and noisily, I am usually first to do so and my b/f will finish off by coming on my pussy or tits. I haven't tried the showerhead method, as I am frightened of burning myself with hot water! 
Hi, I'm 12 years old, and one day I decided I wanted to learn how to masturbate, so I came to this site. No body was home, so I decided to take off all of my clothes, and try out some of the techniques. I came right away, and had my first orgasm. Thanks! 
I love this sight! I just stopped in yesterday for the first time. 
I am 42 years old and have been masturbating since I was a child. Recently I have been doing it more frequently due to a hormone replacement that makes me quiet horny. 
To be honest while reading these posts I feel myself becoming wet as I become very aroused. 
My favorite way of masturbating is to first undress myself. I love to massage myself all over with oil, paying close attention to my big breasts. I gently rub and squeeze them. Then I massage my stomach legs and butt, It feels so good. I then love to feel something cool against my clit. I spread my lips far apart and gently lean against the bathroom sink. It feels so good. I also enjoy watching myself in the mirror so I often masturbate in front of the mirror. My favorite fantasy and desire is to make love to another woman. I love to look at pictures of lesbians loving each other. I imagine myself kissing her all over. Holding her warm body next to mine. Gently stinking my tongue in her mouth. Kissing her nipples and finally sticking my tongue inside of her a gently flicking my tongue against her clit. I am so close to cuming as I write. 
It is so good to know that what I am doing is very natural and my fantasy is very natural too. 
Thanks for this site. 
I'm Kelly. I'm 19 and have been masturbating since I was four or five. I don't really remember how I got started, but all I know is that I touched myself down there, and it felt good. Now I masturbate almost every day. First, I usually start be looking at sexy pictures of women and reading smut. Then, when I feel my pussy getting really wet, I start to touch myself. I usually lay down in bed and start by touching my breasts. Then, when my nipples get hard, I touch my wet pussy. I start to move my fingers over my clit while I imagine some one watching me or another woman touching me. While I'm not gay, I think that another women touching me is very erotic. Once I feel myself getting close to coming, I sick two fingers inside me. I come so hard. 
I masturbate quite a lot, sometimes several times a day. Since I am single and a partner is not always available, it is a great way to get rid of sexual tensions. I recently discovered a nice technique; I use an electrical toothbrush! I know this sounds weird, but it feels absolutely great; just hold the brush against your clit, and don't put too much pressure on it. WOW! 
I am a 28 year old female who can not seem to get enough sex.. Seems I always am in the mood when my man is not around. I have learned a great way to masturbate. I have a 6 inch long vibrator that I slowly work around my outer lips until they become aroused. I slowly insert it in and out until I am wet and then lube my clit area really good. I then turn it on high and insert it as far as it will go. While holding it with my muscles, I also turn on another vibe that I have. This one is like one that you would use on sore muscles. It has a "cup" on it that is about 2 inches round. I then separated my lips again and place it on me. I can rock until I get to the right position...and then BAM!! It is a great feeling. Reading a porno book also helps while doing this.... 
I will sit and think about 2 men enjoying my body one with lips sucking on my clit and the other sucking and biting on my nipples. I then begin to fantasize that someone else walks in the room and wants to join us. This person is a woman and she says let me do this because I know exactly where the clit is. I then undress and stand in front of a mirror and open myself completely up while caressing my breasts. Once in a while I will squeeze my clit. I can do this for a long time - sometimes getting dressed and starting over again later. The excitement building is wonderful. When I get ready to cum I then place a mirror on the floor and kneel over it. Spreading my lips open exposes the already swollen clit, and working either my finger or using my clit kisser, while pumping the knob for suction. Watching my clit, which is already down and out, go in and out with the suction creates the most wonderful and intense orgasm. 
I also will use a plastic bottle with the larger the mouth the better. Create suction first by squeezing it somewhat and then place open top against the clit and releasing the suction is the most incredible feeling. I often do this while reading the letters here. Every so often I squeeze the sides of the bottle to create the suction. Do this just enough to keep the excitement going and then I use my finger to rotate around my button. The clit is swollen and very extended after being in the bottle top. 
I am 23 years old and have been treating myself to the pleasure of masturbation since I was a little girl. 
I am quite an innocent person in that I have only had sex with two men before and felt that I loved them both. the same time I am very sexual! I touch myself sometimes 3 times a day! This may seem mad but I love my orgasms! I can have two or more each time just from touching my clitoris in a special way. 
I lie with my feet upon the headboard of my bed and a mirror wedged between my knees, the visual effect really works wonders for me! I then part my labia and look into my vagina and this gets the desire going in me! I rub one side of my clit up and down, not in a circular motion and what a sensation! 
I have a large clit which has always been so tender or sensitive, my school friends never got turned on when anything brushed against them down there and always laughed when I did! 
When we skipped at school there was a time when some boys ran by, grabbed the rope one on either side and myself with it still between my legs, the rope was raised and pulled back and forth...I had my first orgasm on that occasion and don't think any of the other kids knew why I went week at the knees and had to sit down! 
Anyway, I am lucky to have such a great disposition to pleasuring myself, it is very much in ones mind too. 
I am 19 years old and have been masturbating since I was about 14. I had thought about it plenty of times before I actually tried it, but I was too scared to give it a go. I can't make myself orgasm manually, nor can any of the guys I have been with, the only way I seem to be able to orgasm is by lying underneath a stream of running water. I fantasize about watching my boyfriend masturbate (this really turns me on - mainly because I picture him to be thinking about me). 
The only problem is I don't like only being able to orgasm using this method. Not only do I want to find other ways, but I want my boyfriend to be able to make me orgasm. I really enjoy it when he licks and sucks on my clitoris but I still don't end up having an orgasm, well I haven't so far. Another thing is I love sex. I love the feeling I get when we have sex; it's just completely different to being under the bath. I would love to be able to combine both... I can only imagine how good that would feel! If any one has any suggestions please let me know!!! 
I am coming near to my 30th birthday, but I have masturbated since my childhood; at least since I was 5 y.o. Although I did not realize then that it was masturbation. Unlike most of the other women, I mainly love to play with my nipples. I would like to suck on them, but although my breasts are very beautiful, they are not big enough I could reach. Therefore, I feel myself in heaven when tweaking my nipples and imaging a male is pinching and sucking on them while his penis is in my vagina. One of my favorite tools I have used since very early childhood is a couple of laundry pins; I squeeze my nipples so they hurt a little, but is not traumatic. This little pain is the best I have ever felt and gives me feelings. My clit is less sensitive, but when I stimulate my nipples I get wet, although this for me is secondary. I can reach the best feelings only when I play with my nipples. 
Hi, I'm 14 and bisexual (no its not a phase) I usually masturbate using stuffed animals or pillows. Please, can anyone tell me different ways to masturbate the old ways are boring? Thanks :) 
I love to masturbate! Every since I found your website I cannot stay off of it. I like to do it when I am alone. I usually take all of my clothes off. I start my playing with my nipples until I just can't stand it. Then I let my hand find my clitoris and I start rubbing. I usually tease myself by thinking about kissing another woman or playing with her breasts. I also like to think about licking her nipples and touching her until she comes. I think also about having sex with my husband while another woman watches or including her.... 
I usually daydream until I just can't take it anymore. Then I rub my cunt until I come. Sometimes I hump the pillow on my bed or just my hand. I also like to finger myself. Thanks for helping me pleasure myself!!! 
Wow, reading all of your responses made me recall how I first got started masturbating. I am 58 and had forgotten about my first masturbation experience. I think my first experience was playing "doctor" with a little girlfriend around age 6. I don't remember having an orgasm but I was fascinated by both of our bodies. I do recall around age 11-12 using my mother's weight reducing machine because I wanted to lose a little weight. It was a machine that had a motor on it with a wide belt attached. You put it around your butt or thighs and supposedly it shook-off the fat. Well one day I got the belt a little too high while on my thigh and WOW, I hit my pussy. I immediately became excited and wet. Soon I learned to direct the belt to "just the right spot." I would masturbate on that thing for hours while my mother went shopping. That way I could make noises and not get caught. One day she came home early and I was nervous because I had gotten the belt all wet. I never lost any weight but I had a huge smile on my face. It was a sad day when that machine went to the second hand store. I then had discovered the pleasure of my clitoris and figured out how to masturbate in the bathtub and shower. I was never so squeaky clean. As I had my first "real" sexual experience with a man I didn't seem to masturbate as often. The first time I had sex I was 22 and we did it in a farmer's wheat field. Ever since then I have had a fantasy about having sex out in nature. I've had the pleasure of doing "it" that way several times. But back to the masturbation. I have found that when I am traveling by car on a long road trip that my fantasies begin to run wild, particularly it I am traveling alone. So I have often found myself driving on long stretches of highway and slipping off my bra. I have VERY large breasts and find them extremely sexy and exciting. I start by playing with my nipples under my shirt until they are very hard. Then when I am good and horny I slip my right hand down my pants and start stroking my clit and lips. I can hardly stand it when they get wet and if it is safe I rub as fast as I can stand it until I cum. If it is not safe then I pull off at the next off ramp that is somewhat remote and have a huge orgasm. I try to keep rubbing at least one nipple, usually the left one because that intensifies the whole experience. One time I even used a zucchini I had in the car and worked it so hard it fell apart. Then I am on my way again. I usually just leave my hand in my pants until the urge comes again. Sometimes I'll masturbate 5 or 6 times on a one-day road-trip. It's exciting to try to be discreet when a truck passes by that might look in, on the other hand it is exciting to think I might get seen. When my husband is along then we sometime please each other as we drive, but I get a bigger thrill out of masturbating myself on these trips. I also used to go with my family on trips to Las Vegas. I always got my own room. Little did they know that I used this as a fantasy party for myself. I would go into the fancy bedroom with all the mirrors, take off my clothes and begin "playing with myself". I would end up on the bed rubbing my fingers on my clit and scream to the top of my voice in ecstasy. I'm just wondering does any other woman out there like to smell her juices after she's masturbated? I am kind of get turned on by the smell. I know my husband does. I also just remember masturbating when I was 16 in the far back of the station wagon on a road trip with my dad and his friend. They never knew, I think they thought I was asleep in a sleeping bag. 
I'm a 15-year-old girl and I masturbate regularly. When I was younger I used to like the feeling I got when my clit pressed against the corner of the furniture, though I didn't know what it was at the time. I'm a twin and I used to take baths with my sister, we used to play with each other and pour water over each others genitals and stroke each other, it felt good and we didn't realized why then, we stopped doing this once we were about 9 years old and realized it wasn't "normal," I used to also play "doctors and nurses" with a friend from down the street when I was younger with involved fingering each others clits and vaginas. 
Once I was older, I no longer did these activities with my sister and my friends, and I started masturbating on my own. Mostly I would just cross my legs and press them together which felt good, but I didn't know how to stimulate myself in a better way than that. When I was about 13 I was staying at my grandmas house over the summer and it was a really hot and sticky night and I was lying on my bed with all the covers ripped off, and I found myself experimenting with putting my finger inside my vagina like my sister and friends used to do to me, I found that it felt fantastic to lie back and ram the middle finger of my left hard right inside me, especially if I pressed forwards slightly, hitting my g-spot! :D I never reached an orgasm this way though. This was the method of masturbation I used for about a year, until I discovered my clitoris. 
The method I find works best for me now is to make a fist of my right hand and rub side to side over my clit, slowly to begin with, and work up the speed. This gets me really wet really fast, and feels great, though I have bruised myself by doing this too hard before so take care if you try it!!! I often find my wrist gets very tired just before I reach my climax, I have a bed which has a sort of railing on the side as it used to be a bunk bed so I grip onto this with my left hand while I use my right fist to grind my clit. When I'm about to come I slow down slightly to get my breath, then I rub really really hard and fast till I get a fantastic rush through my entire body, and my legs shake slightly. I don't make any noise as I cum, I just breathe faster and pant a bit. Just recently I tried leaving one or two fingers inside my vagina just before I reach an orgasm, and rubbing my clitoris while they are still inside, this gives me a longer orgasm and it feels great to have my vaginal muscles clench around something as i cum and makes me feel more aware of the contractions. 
I have also tried the shower technique that many of the people on here have talked about, but I do it slightly differently. Instead of just letting the water hit me, I press the shower head against me while the water is coming out, which feels like you are being licked and rotate it over my clit. If I can't get the water to a suitable temperature I just rub without the water, but this can be slightly painful because of the small holes which stick up and bit and grate against you. 
I've masturbated to orgasm while reading peoples experiences on your site, and other things like the descriptions of cunnilingus, so thank you for a wonderful site. :) 
My name is Rachel and I'm 19. 
I first started masturbating when I was about 4 or 5. I would go in my room and sit on a pillow and bounce up and down. My parents caught me a few times and at first they just told me to stop and that it was bad, but then when they caught me again, my dad started spanking me for it, with a belt. I tried to stop, but I just couldn't stop thinking about how good it felt. So I would do it in the bathroom, just take a pillow in there with me, or do it in my room after my parents had gone to sleep. I never got caught that way, thank God, but I always felt guilty and I was always scared of being caught in the act. I used this same method until I was probably 17 when I first looked on this website. At first, I felt very uncomfortable trying to masturbate with different techniques, like it just wasn't right or something. 
After a lot of practice, I finally reached orgasm laying on my back using my index finger to stroke the right side of my clit. I always keep my legs apart, and my hips start to move when I get really aroused. Now I prefer to use a vibrator. I lay on my back in my bed, with my legs apart and touching my feet together. I take the vibrator and rub it against the sides of my clit, in a back-and-forth motion. I usually reach orgasm in less than a minute (I wish it would take longer but I haven't figured out how to do that yet). I can usually have multiple orgasms. 
I have decided that when I have children, I will not punish them if I catch them masturbating. As long as they do it in private, it's their business. I feel that because my dad spanked me so much for this, that is why I don't have a very good relationship with him now. Also, I have felt that sex is a bad thing, probably because of getting spanked for masturbating. I'm working really hard to try to make myself understand that masturbation is natural, and that I'm not a freak for doing it. This website has helped a lot and I'm really glad I found it. 
My technique of masturbation works quite wonderfully for me. I like to masturbate at least twice a week. I use a chair, one with ripples on the legs. I straddle the leg of the chair and rub my vulva up and down while lying on my stomach. I come so quickly. I wish it would last longer sometimes. Although I sometimes make it last by stopping and just catching my breath. Teasing myself. I have done this in front of my husband and he really enjoyed watching me. Sometimes I would perform oral sex on him during this, while he watches my buttocks hump up and down on the chair leg, while talking to me and telling me how sexy I look. Although, I come quicker and more intense when I am alone, and sometimes I will use my spandex bathing suit bottoms and pull them down just enough to slip the leg of the chair between my crotch and the bathing suit bottoms. This allows a little more pressure. I can feel the chair leg rubbing in between my buttocks too. A wonderful feeling! Sometimes I will use lubrication on the chair leg but most of the time I don't have to though. I have also used plastic wrap, wrapped around the leg of the chair for a little variation, and smother friction. 
When I was younger I had a table (sewing machine table) that I used to use. I would scoot it up to the edge of the bed and lay on my back, at the edge, and ride the table. Pinching my nipples and fantasize that another man or woman was performing oral sex on me. I am 39 years old and have been having wonderful orgasms like this since I was 18. Hopefully if others try this method, they will find the same type of satisfaction as I do. I love it!! 
Hello. I'm 23 and still a virgin, and I masturbate often. I enjoy it very much. I've been masturbating since I was about 9 or so. I have never gotten caught yet! I love masturbating it feels so good. The part I like most is the pinching of the clitoris, at times its so intense that I have to slow down on it. However to me masturbation gets me up when I'm down, and have a lot on my mind. It relieves stress, and gives me that tingling sensation that I enjoy. 
I am 41 years old and had my first orgasm when I was 10. It happened by mistake, I had been messing around "down there" in the bathroom one lunch time. As I had to go back to school I stood up and suddenly had my first orgasm it was amazing so much so I moaned uncontrollably and had to straddle the bath to rub my vulva. It took me ages to find out how to have another orgasm but when I did I couldn't stop. I used my fingers at first and masturbated several times a day. One night I had around 20 orgasms one after another. I masturbated at school sitting at my desk with my hand busy underneath rubbing my clitoris, in the public swimming pool with some guy watching me although I didn't know why. I have masturbated in my car whilst driving along. I have used an electric toothbrush, the shower head with pulsating water, the Hoover [vacuum cleaner] with the very thin tool attached - just big enough to fit my clitoris in (wow what a sensation that is when my labia vibrates against the plastic) -I come in 30 seconds. I like to masturbate with a full bladder and force the pee out especially when I come. I think your site is wonderful - I regularly read the experiences and yes you guessed it - I masturbate whilst reading - Thank you 

Pengalaman Masturbasi
Halaman 7

My name is Katrina and I'm 16 years old. I've been masturbating since I was like about 7. I used to think I was kind of weird for masturbating but when I came to your site, I found out it's not wrong to experiment. First, I play with my breasts, and then while I'm doing that with one hand, I gently rub my clit to an orgasm. Or, I'll lie on my stomach and push hard on my clit, this usually is what feels best. I like to fantasize about being a young, virgin (even though I AM one) ancient princess, who's getting ready to be "taken" by a handsome prince. First, I use scented body oil all over my body, then, when everyone's gone, I run to my room and picture the prince on my bed waiting. I slowly undress and lie on the floor and masturbate, picturing him watching me. Then, I think of him slowly entering me and then I have an amazing orgasm. Well, that was an embarrassing confession! ^_^ But I hope some people will give it a try! Well bye now! 
I am so glad that I'm not the only person out there who loves to do this. I usually start by gently massaging and tickling my nipples while I fantasize, until I can feel myself getting wet down below. I am probably really weird, but my major hot spot is my belly button and I often use a small make-up brush in it as I find the tickling sensation SO SEXY! By now, I'm really turned on and will begin to stroke my clit, gently, picking up speed until, just at the crucial second, I push a finger inside my vagina and tickle the front wall. GOD! It's like magic! (Sometimes I use the base of an electric toothbrush against my clit too!) 
I am a 35 year old woman who has masturbated regularly since I was about 13. I have used a variety of techniques, but mainly settle on the "missionary" position of flat on my back just gently circling my lips and clitoris, enjoying the different feelings that wash through you till orgasm approaches. If I keep going, I can easily have 2 or 3 in succession, but most times, one nice one is more than sufficient. I sometimes insert my fingers (mainly so I can lick them) to help and very infrequently I insert my vibe, but that's more fun with a partner. I do it most days just before turning over and sleeping - it acts as a beautiful (if addictive) sleeping pill. I sometimes do it in the car on long country (solo) drives and I have done it in the loos [bathroom] at work when the hormones are rampant. I have always done it, before, during and after my marriage. It’s a harmless, fun pastime that's over quickly and leaves you feeling so much better. I've had a couple of what I think are G-spot orgasms, but I need a (patient) partner - but wow, when it happens.. and yes, you do get very wet. 
Love your site, having discovered it totally by accident one day while surfing for some erotica to masturbate with. Want to share my way of intense personal pleasure with all. 
I love to get comfortable on the bathroom floor, get completely naked, position a magnifying makeup mirror between my legs and assemble all my vibrators, dildoes, and lube by my side. I start by spreading my labial lips wide open so that I can examine my vulva in the mirror. I lube my index finger and start stroking my clit in an up and down motion. I finger my vagina and touch my g-spot, which really gets me going. I get out my jelly pink vibrating dildo, turning it on low, and move it gently in and out of my vagina... very slow on the outstroke, brushing my clitoris. I continue to do this until my clitoris begins to swell and get aroused. I remove the vibrator, and use my finger to rub tiny little circles around my clit. Sometimes the pleasure is so intense it almost feels as if it is 'burning' my clit--mmmmm it feels so good. I have a little vibrator egg with a flexible tip that feels like my husbands tongue when pressed against my clit. I press the egg against my clit and feel the sensations warm my entire body. The other day, I discovered how good it felt to insert the vibrating egg into my vagina, while using the tip of the vibrating dildo to stimulate my clit. I also love to lube up my butt plug and insert it into my anus. I will periodically stop to view my swollen pussy in the mirror. I frequently fantasize about making love to another woman--after all, who better to pleasure a women than another woman. I envision us suckling each others nipples, and spreading our vulvas wide open to each other. The thought of touching another woman’s clit to the point of her orgasm is so erotic...fingering her vagina and g-spot, rubbing our pussys together and then collapsing from shear orgasmic exhaustion in each other's arms, breasts touching is such a rush. I also had a very exciting experience while recently shopping for some vibrators. I went into an all women's store, was browsing around, when one of their friendly 'consultants' asked if she could help me. Being a little embarrassed (I think she could tell), she immediately put her hand on my shoulder and tried to make me feel comfortable. She asked if I was shopping for myself or a partner; asked what kind of stimulation I was looking for--clitoral, vaginal and anal and then proceeded to help me choose 'toys' that would give me the most pleasure. She even discussed with me how to best enjoy them. By the time I got home I was so horny it was all I could do to get them out of their packaging, put the batteries in and rip my clothes off. I masturbated for at least an hour until I couldn't take it any more. Speaking of being aroused. 
I have just re-discovered the joy of masturbating, and I can't get enough of it! My favorite method is to use a child's rubber "bouncy ball" and I cover it with baby oil. Then I rub my clit area with baby oil and slip the ball in beside my clit in my underwear. I have it in there all day long while I'm working and running errands. In the car is great, I get the seat pretty far forward so I can have my legs pressed together, and sit on something else so there's good pressure on the ball. The other day I noticed a full water bottle someone had left in my car and I slipped that underneath me. The water was cold since it was cold outside, and the sensation was great! I have the water bottle in the freezer right now getting ready for some driving around I have to do in a couple of hours. Whew!! Also, I have gotten some great ideas from reading everyone else's stories, and I tried the water thing today at the YMCA. They have some "special needs" locker rooms, and I decided I had a special need! I was in there all by myself, and I sat down on the bench in the shower and took the head off so the water stream was stronger. I like to have the water really cold because my poor twat is getting so much attention now-a-days, and that helps to relief it, plus it feels great! 
I'm Carla 36 yo. married woman. My favorite way to masturbate is sitting on the edge of our bed and rubbing thru my panties. The feel of soft nylon is wonderfully sensual. Looking down at my vagina seeing my pubic hairs sticking out hightens my arousal as I see my panties becoming moist and knowing I'm near I concentrate on the clitorial area flicking it with my finger to a most satisfying orgasm. Its even better when my husband watches. 
First of all I'd like to say that this website is just great and I'm glad I found it. I'm 16 and I've been masturbating since I was very little I think 5. I think this is because I was molested when I was young, by someone I used to live with, and now those memories really turn me on. I used to think masturbating was really dirty but now I love it. Usually I like to look at porn and when I'm all wet I roll up a blanket, take of all my clothes and basically just ride the blanket till I come. Once a friend of mine and I were talking on MSN and we cybered and that really turned me on. What I really would like to try is to cyber with a female while they masturbate. I know that I am not a lesbian but I think a female would understand my needs that bit more. So do any of you know where I'd be able to find some one willing to???? As I say you got to try everything once......and happy masturbating. 
I am 17 and have been masturbating since I was 11. The first time I was sleeping on the sofa at my uncle's house and he was sitting on the floor watching the telly [television]. He thought I was asleep and was watching a film with several sex scenes in it. I remember watching over his shoulder and getting incredibly turned on. I slipped my hand down and rubbed my clitoris gently. It felt amazing, and I had to stop because it felt so good I was afraid he'd notice. When he went to bed I masturbated for a couple of hours, having orgasm after orgasm. 
I have an extremely high sex drive; I'm always thinking about sex or fantasizing about people, men and women. I like to watch myself masturbating in the mirror and imagine it is someone else. I haven’t got a vibrator but I wish I did. 
I'm always thinking up new techniques, and when I'm in the house alone, which isn't very often, I spend almost all night masturbating, while watching my brother's videos. I love to read peoples experiences and erotic stories, they are such a turn on. 
The most exciting orgasm I've ever had was when I was on a late night train once. I was in a carriage with a couple that were kissing and touching each other, and I got so excited I pulled my bag onto my lap and started masturbating. Just as I was about to reach orgasm they got off the train and I was in the carriage alone, so I was able to finish in peace, they didn’t have a clue, and I've done it in public since, in the toilets at college and in the park. I even did it in the staff room at work once. 
My name is Jenn. I am 18 years old and I have been masturbating since I was about 2 or 3 years old. At first, I used to lay down on the floor and rub up and down and I didn't know what I was doing. All I knew is that it felt really good. Then I started to rub up and down on my stuffed animals. The technique I have found works the best for me and I still use it till this day is lying face down and spreading my legs open and I rub up and down on the corner of my bed. Late at night when my parents are asleep, I use this form of masturbation. I have to be sure not to make the bed shake to much. It is hard to keep myself from moaning. Just thinking about it makes me horny. 
I have also used the finger technique. I take off all my clothes and I first start playing with my tits. Then after I get all hot and aroused, I take my right hand and start rubbing my clit. I start off slow are first and then I go faster and faster. Using ice is also a great thing to use during mastubating. While I mastubate, I dream that my friend is watching me and mastubating also. It gives me a higher pleasure doing that. I haven't yet tried the shower thing yet. I think I may have to soon. One time, at a friend's birthday party, my friend brought out a back massager and told us to turn it on and hold it down there. Well..we all were in a state of ecstacy. I was getting horny just watching all the other girls do it. I got caught once at school rubbing my pussy up and down on the corner of a desk when I was like 6. I didn't know any better. 
Thanks for this wonderful website. I have enjoyed reading all the personal masturbation stories. I must say that masturbation is far better than sex. I mastubate everyday. While watching porn or reading playboy of thinking about some of my hot girl friends. Thanks for letting me share my story. I think I may go masturbate right now! 
Hi. My name is Mitra, 25 years old. I congratulate you for a lovely web site. It is very interesting and exciting for learning and sharing experiences. 
I pleasure more from masturbation when I feel flowing of a warm fluid in myself during orgasm. Therefore, I apply a glass bottle with a long neck, which contains warm water, and its neck has been lubricated by lubricant jelly completely. 
I start my masturbation by rubbing my sensitive parts and them stimulate my clitoris directly while I move bottle in my vagina. When I become near to my orgasm, tilt bottle slowly for flowing the warm water in my vagina. Ohhhhhhh, it’s not believable but I feel very strong pleasure at this time. When warm water flows in my vagina and comes out from it and wets my vulva and its surroundings, I experience my most pleasurable feeling. Finally at my orgasm, I tilt the bottle completely for emptying it suddenly and gushing the fluid from it. 
Also I feel a unique pleasure when I apply my lovely method in anal masturbation too but it has a few differences so that because of space limitations and specific conditions of anal inside that at the same time fluid cannot come out, the amount of warm water in bottle should not be much. I make myself ready with rubbing clitoris and then inserting lubricated fingers in my anus. When my anus becomes ready, I insert my lubricated bottle in it and finally at my orgasm with moving my body and tilting the bottle, cause to water flowing in myself. Feeling the warmness of water and its flowing in my anus during my orgasm is very exciting too. 
I have read most of these women's techniques of masturbating and some seem very similar to mine. I agree with whoever likes to think about other women while pleasing myself, I find that if I were to give another girl oral sex I would give her great satisfaction, so I fantasize about her doing the same to me. If I am not in the mood for that, I think about my boyfriend and giving him oral sex. While keeping these naughty thoughts in my head I lay in my tub with my knees to my chest and work all the different pulses of my handy dandy shower head on my clitoris. Works just fine for me and I've counted up to 12 multiple orgasms in one sitting. (It took 2 hours but what better things could I have been doing?) 
I have tried the water technique, which I found very satisfying, but usually I lay on my back and begin by stroking my tits then move slowly down to my clit. I use baby oil to lubricate my vagina. I start by slowly stroking my clitoris in an up down movement. I squeeze my nipples when I am fully aroused. I take my vibrator and insert it in to my vagina, I push it as far as I can then I carry on rubbing my clit very fast until I can stand no more, sometimes I use a thinner object and penetrate my anus for a wilder orgasm. 
First, I take off all my clothes and rub my tits...I slide my left hand down to my pussy and rub my clit...I go slow and then I think about a girl eating me out and licking me until I cum...I go faster n faster and then I lick my finger...mmm tastes good...hopefully a girl will join me so I can please her too. 
I like to fantasize about women licking I want to eat someone out now...Licking their clit until they shake and licking their warm cum...Making them scream...Anyone willing to let me do this? 
My way is to get my girlfriend and strip her naked and start licking her clit like crazy and then she licks mine…until all juices come out…Then I will take my finger and caress my clit and then stick it up and finger myself...I will take it out and she will lick it...Then I'll suck on her tits...and finger Eating girls out is great. 
I’m Marjan, 28 years old. I made my private dildo for masturbation by myself. 
For this, I prepare some big boiled potatoes first. While it has its warmness, I make puree (Mashed potatoes) and then fill a condom with pushing this puree in it completely so that the condom finds an erect and dense condition. Then I close open end of it by knotting. 
This dildo has very suitable consistency that keeps its lovely warmness for several minutes. When it becomes cold, with pressing, its internal warmness can spread outside and can provide warmness for next minutes too. 
I use this pleasurable dildo for getting an exciting orgasm through Vaginal or Anal masturbation. It’s very wonderful because is erect, elastic, soft, smooth, slimy and warm and with this specifications can satisfy me with the highest degree of orgasm. 
Also, I can prepare it so that ejaculates! I fill it with a little warm water first and then push prepared puree in it. Finally, I make a narrow hole in the tip of condom by a needle. 
During my masturbation and at my orgasm time whenever I press the body of my dildo, a warm liquid gushes from its tip. Ohhhhhhhh my god, it’s the best filling in my life. 
I am fourteen, almost fifteen, and I just got back into masturbation about six months ago. When I was little, I would do anything and everything I could to excite myself. I would use brushes, bottles, chairs, couches, pillows, stuff animals and various other toys and such. My mom had a day care and the kids and me would always do stuff together. Then my parents moved me to another city with them and I didn't do anything for a while. Then I met some neighbor girls and we would watch their parent's pornos and would play with each other. It seems weird to me now but I was first eaten out at age eight. I haven't had anyone perform oral sex on my since. I would love this boy to do it to me. Just recently I got back into it, but I'm not sure how to satisfy myself anymore. I don't quit know how to make myself feel so good that I cum. I would love to cum so bad. I have tried the water and the rubbing of the clit. I even have a massager that heats up and vibrates that I use while I sit at my computer in my room. I love to rub my clit with my index finger and then plunge it into my vagina as far is it will go. I love to put three or four fingers in and play with the little ribs of my vagina. It feels so good and I get wet really quickly but I've never had an orgasm. I don't know what it is like to have a load of cum squirt out of me. Although I would LOVE to experience this. Unless it is happening and I don't know it. I would really like someone to help me by telling me erotic ways and things I can use. The plain fingering and water just isn't cutting it. I need something more. 
I've been masturbating since I was about 2. I would hump and rub my favorite blanket. Then my parents told me to stop, but it was normal for young girls to do it. Eventually I did stop because it was too weird for me as I was entering my teens. 
Now I'm 16 and after reading everything I realize it's normal. I don't do anything special-just using my hands. It's a great feeling though, visualizing my crush touching me in ways none of my past boyfriends have done. It really turns me on. 
I have been masturbating since I was about 12. While my bathroom was being remodeled, I showered in my parent’s bathroom. Their shower had a removable showerhead with a massage setting. I don't know how I discovered that it felt really good when I had the showerhead down there. I would sit on the edge of the tub with my legs spread and focus the jet on my clit. It would make me cum so hard. I still do that now. I also use my fingers and rub and flick my clit. I also like rolling up a blanket or pillow and riding it. Making my clit run back and forth on it. It feels so good. I can bring myself to the most powerful orgasms. I masturbate at least once a day. 
I started masturbating when I was 6. My 9-year-old sister used to masturbate when we were in the bath and encouraged me to copy her. I did it because it felt nice, but I didn't have an orgasm until I hit puberty at 12. I was playing with my nipples and when I felt down there, I was wet. I'd never been that wet before so I thought I ought to do something about it! After a while I slid my middle finger inside my vagina, I didn't get much pleasure to start with but I loved the intensity. I pushed two more fingers in and when I started pushing them in an out I started to enjoy it, I got close to orgasm but never actually reached it, which was very frustrating. 
I spent so much time on my vagina after that I didn't find the joy of my clitoris. I'd used my fingers several times on myself and I worked my finger up my labia and found my clitoris erect. I played around with it for a while and after rubbing it for a few seconds I was closer to orgasm than I'd ever been, for the first time really longed to have sex with a man. I pushed 2 fingers into my vagina very hard, I was quite rough as I pushed them in and out but it didn't matter because I was so wet. After a minute or so I had my first orgasm. 
At 14 I had my first boyfriend and he contributed a lot to my knowledge of masturbation. He taught me how to move my fingers inside myself and to use two hands at once, one for my vagina and one for my clitoris. My favorite positions to this day are flat on my back with my legs pulled up to my breasts, kneeling and bending forward and with one leg against the wall facing forward which increases the sensitivity. Thanks for your great site. 
I am 28 years old. My girl friends and I always "played" when we were younger. I think it was more exploratory than erotic. I thought it was bad and I felt guilty about it, but I knew I liked it. As I got older my boyfriend tried to get me to touch myself and I refused, it grossed me out for some reason. I couldn't even stand the sight of him jerking off. Later in our relationship, he bought me the pocket rocket...OMG is all I have to say! After having him use it on me, I soon took over. The second this little tool touches my clitoris, I orgasm. It is the only way I have ever been able to. My boyfriend gets upset that I can't orgasm during intercourse or while he's playing with my clitoris. I don't know what it is about this vibrator. I bring it with me everywhere I go. I have yet to discreetly pleasure myself in a public place, but recently when I was traveling and forgot my pocket rocket, I made my first visit to an adult store on my own, just to buy a new one. My boyfriend laughed at me, since we were going to be back home in 3 days...I just couldn't wait!!! I love to make myself cum now!! He often says he thinks he created a monster. : ) 
Hi! My name is Furide. When I masturbate, I often do it in the shower. I never touch my breasts or nipples, that doesn’t feel good to me. I massage my sex and I touch my clitoris. Sometimes I insert a finger or two in my vagina. I also play with my outer labia. I’m not masturbating for orgasm, mostly just for the pleasure, but when I want an orgasm, I take the shower and rub the nozzle against my clit or take the nozzle off and flush a jet of water straight on my clit. Then I have an great orgasm, it feels like a wave of pleasure starting at my clit and going across my skin and body over and over again. My orgasm last in 15 to 20 seconds only (Since I’m young, I suppose.) 
I love this site. I'm a 17-year-old girl. Reading the different stories of girls and women masturbating makes me really horny and hot. I like to just lay back and play with my clit while fantasizing about other girls playing with me. I would like to talk to other girls who are interested, and cyber with girls. I read a story by "Tasha" she wants to cyber with a girl, I'm willing to try cuz I never tried. 
Hello, everyone. My name is Rita. I am 53 years old and have enjoyed reading the many secrets all of you have shared about masturbation. Probably my first serious attempts of performing this wonderful intimacy started during my early adolescence. I was really a rookie back then and I am very happy that first awkward attempts has grown and evolved as I have. I like to think of masturbation as a special time that I set aside for myself. It can be a time for experimenting and it can also be a precious space in which to relive some wonderful moments. 
Before I continue, let me say that I feel that I have been blessed with having two very special people in my life. The first is a man, who I met when I was in my early twenties. He is and always has been a very sensual, very caring man who taught me how to relax, take my time and let sex become a long and wonderful adventure that can open the doors to those secret places we dream about but seldom are able to discover. Interestingly, he told me many years ago that he thought my most beautiful physical feature was my vulva. He called it a precious flower and I can remember thinking, "Oh, God, do I ever love this man!" Since his favorite flowers are orchids, my vulva became first his orchid, then his wild orchid and finally, a very wet and wild orchid. Unfortunately, life circumstances have prevented us from making our relationship more permanent, but we continue to share a wonderful bond that has kept us together for almost three decades. 
My second blessing came more recently and is still in the beginning stages, but has been equally as satisfying in many, many ways. Jillian is a woman I have known for almost fifteen years. She is a delightful and lovely woman in her early forties who has always maintained a youthful passion for life. Her sexual orientation seems to change as frequently as the weather, but this is something she has always seemed to be very comfortable with. Over the years she has often teased me by saying that she would love to have one night of pampering me. This did nothing but embarrass the hell out of me, but for whatever reason, when she made this offer again about two months ago, I surprised even myself by saying yes. Her pampering has literally sent me over the moon and I kick myself for not having agreed to this much sooner. I’m still learning but have quickly fallen in love with the pleasures two women can share. I look forward to many, many more lessons and as much pampering as Jillian wants to bestow on me. 
So, that’s how I came to be where I am now. And fortunately, for me, these two very special people in my life have taught me that there is a third very special person: me! So, when it comes time for me to take care of me, I try to make it eventful and meaningful. Masturbating can be can be down and dirty fast or as long as we care to make it. However it’s done, if you’re not mentally into it, it isn’t going to happen. So, when I make a date with myself, I take the time to prepare and get ready for a wonderful evening. 
I do my nails, I shave my legs, I shower, fix my hair and in short do everything I can to make myself look and feel attractive. I pull down the bed, light candles and, depending on my mood, may add a little background music. I place a soft, fluffy bath towel on the bed. I fill a small cup with K-Y Jelly; I select some toys that I think will come in useful. I have a lacy, white, silk bed jacket that I save for this occasion and when I see that everything else is in order, I slip into it, hop into bed and away we go. 
My favorite place to go is, "Here’s what I’d like you to do." I imagine that either Dan or Jillian is in the room and watching. My role is to show them exactly what it is I would like them to do to me. I start by kneeling on the towel and sitting upright. I make sure that I am generously lubricated and this normally leads to some playful touching. Being on this date, is no different than being on any date. I know that this bed is where I want to end, but what happens when I get there depends I’m how I’m feeling and how I’m responding once the real action begins. It always amazes me that I can end up in places that I didn’t think I would. 
I lift my body slightly so that both hands have free access to my precious orchid. A slow massage begins the journey and my mind is focused on what do I what you to do. Sometimes I want to remain the perfect lady and let the sex be slow and tender. Sometimes I’m feeling a bit whorish and want to fucked hard and fast. Sometimes I like a little anal stimulation; sometimes I want every inch of that wonderful cock buried in my ass. Sometimes I want to remain in control and stay kneeling and on top; sometimes I just want to bury my head in a pillow and in this doggy position, say do whatever you want, but please do it soon. 
One word of advise. If you’re going to use toys, dildos and vibrators, experiment, buy what works and buy quality merchandise. After all, you deserve the best. 
I like to think of that first orgasm as the beginning. I usually get very wet which is why the towel comes in handy. From that slow massage, I usually begin fingering myself. My clit is very sensitive and responds quickly to any stimulation. While I don’t find touching my breasts really heightens the experience, I do like the feel of the soft, silk sliding against my nipples. Touching leads to inserting a finger, sometimes two. I have an anal vibrator, that is long, but not too thick, and with a little coaxing and a lot of lube, it provides some wonderful attention to this often neglected area. Turn the vibrator on low and I normally start to cum in buckets. The clitoral stimulation is where it all comes from, but being an old fashion girl, I like the feel of something inside of me. This lady uses a soft jelly vibrator, called Magic Fingers, that turns, twists and finds every area of my vagina while the "magic fingers" go to work on my clit. That whorish little me likes a big time dong, called "The Kong," that does nothing but stretch the walls of my vagina till they absolutely ache and I let my fingers take care of the rest. 
It’s dreamy. It’s passionate. It can be tender and loving. It can be hard and rough. The one thing that it always is, is look, watch, this is what I want. If you really want to fuck me and you want to do it right, then pay attention. And when your turn comes, you’ll know exactly what to do and what will make this lady very happy and very grateful. 
No, I haven’t shared this with either of those special people in my life. I like keeping this evening to myself and when I am with either of them, I let them explore and discover what makes me tick. 
So, ladies, time is passing. Make plans and make that special date. There’s a wonderful person that’s waiting to meet you and don’t be surprised at how easy it is to misbehave. 
Love to you,
My name is Mary and I started masturbating around 10. I didn't know I was having an orgasm until I was in middle school. I love touching myself and looking at my body while I'm having an orgasm. Sometimes I act like I'm someone else. I like to play the maid or the secretary. After everything is over, my orgasm is the best thing after all that hard work! 
WOW these stories are intense....I have been rubbing my clitoris while reading and have had three orgasms. This really turns me on to know other women have the same fantasies as I do. I have great sex with my husband and can orgasm at least once with every encounter....guess you can say I learned how to use a man ;o) I still masturbate often, mostly when I'm alone and no distractions. I like to imagine being with another woman, even just to see her lying in front of me looking at her beautiful body. I often just use my fingers and play with my clitoris; I like to squeeze my nipple as I reach orgasm as it intensifies it for me. 
I have had cybersex with other women while in lesbian chat, and it is highly erotic. I have been masturbating since I was 4, when I was molested by a male sitter. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't ok, but since then I have pleasured myself as I realized how good it felt. I have also had experiences with a couple of friends when I was 8 - 10....I often think of that too and wish I could go back to that. 
I wouldn't mind having another woman join me and hubby, but I think sometimes that can ruin a relationship, so I don't think we will go there. We talk about it while having sex, pretending there is someone sucking his cock while he is eating me out, or vice versa. 
Well happy masturbating!!!! 
Thank you for doing this site! It's a great resource and I'm glad so many women are taking the opportunity to share their personal thoughts. 
I'm 28 years old, and I love to masturbate in many different ways, depending on my mood. Sometimes it is just very straightforward (but still very pleasurable rubbing of my clit; other times, I make a bit of a project out of, using dildos, vibe, anal stimulation/penetration, extended fantasies, telephone chat lines with other women, etc. I won't bore you with all of it, but I will share a thing or two I've indulged myself in recently: 
One thing that really works for me is getting myself turned on before I even begin touching myself. I have always been easily aroused by the sensation of a wedgie or "camel toe" from my panties or jeans. This is actually how I started masturbating when I was about 13, and I often masturbate feverishly after being out for a long walk in panties or jeans that have the desired affect. Part of the turn-on is to be in public getting turned on and wet, and thinking about how I'm going to play with myself when I get home . . . . this makes me feel very feminine and attractive and I often fantasize that I'll meet another woman who notices my arousal and comes home with me to play. I fully intend to make this happen someday, so if you see me walking along with a sly smile and a blush on my cheeks, say hello! 
I love quality porn and wish more women were willing to be open minded about it. For me, it's very empowering, not objectification. Porn and raw lust are NOT just guy things! 
Part of my attraction to porn is probably my attraction to women. I don't necessarily consider myself "bisexual," but I have had some very great sex with women, and am open to it. While I love hot sex with a guy, my fantasies are more often than not about women. So I love looking at pictures or videos of two women going at it - I especially like the more amateurish, low-tech ones, which seem more genuine, and often involve women who really ARE bisexual or lesbian. It really gets me in the mood, and it's great to already be soaking wet when I start masturbating - the orgasms just keep on coming . . . 
My first experience with another woman was a few years ago with a good friend. The most memorable thing about that first night was the kissing - incredible! We sat on my couch making out for over an hour (really!) before anything else happened. I often think of that first kiss with a woman while I'm masturbating. 
I also love to masturbate in front of my boyfriend, either solo, or while he is inside me. He gets really turned on lying back and watching me rub my clit while straddling him, and I find it really exciting to have an audience that way. Sometimes I'll just stop whatever I'm doing around the house and open up my jeans and masturbate for him, putting on a show while he makes suggestions about what to do to myself. We both enjoy this sleazy little bit of exhibitionism on my part, and he always rewards me for it with lots of oral sex and a good, long fuck. 
Ok, that's enough for now. I need to go masturbate . . . 
I've only been masturbating for a few months with my fingers. I used to never really think about touching myself "down there" until I found this website. I got in my shower one night when everyone was gone and let my hands wander. I started massaging my clit and was brave enough to stick a finger in my pussy. I used to horseback ride and I heard that sometimes can break your hymen-not me! I was too afraid to go further when I felt the pain. Does anyone have tips on how to help me? 
I always felt like the horniest little girl around because when I was a kid, it was widely believed that girls did not masturbate. Since I did, and still do, I felt different - but that didn't stop me from doing it. I love to imagine a man seeing my pussy for the first time. It is the only pussy in the world, and is just being discovered. He explores everywhere inside me, falls in love with it's erotic aroma and reaches out with his tongue to taste. Once he has, he can't stop and the more the juices flow, the more he laps it up. Oh! I want to cum right now. 
I am a 47-year-old happily married woman. When I was about 6 or 7 my mother found me asleep with my hand in my pajama bottoms and she told me I shouldn’t do that. I don’t think I was actually fondling or rubbing myself, I just liked the way it felt with my hand down there. But I quit doing it. Later it was DRILLED into me that “nice girls didn’t have sex before marriage” and I turned that around somehow that nice girls shouldn’t like sex. Imagine my guilt when as a teenager I would be kissing a boy or have him fondle my breasts and it felt good and I liked it. I thought I wasn’t a “nice” girl. I thought only males masturbated and none of my friends ever talked about it. I thought the only way a woman would achieve orgasm was through intercourse and I didn’t know anything about my clitoris or what it could do for me. As a teenager the only thing I did that might pass for masturbation is I would rub my breasts if I read a dirty book or something. But I never touched myself below the waist. I got married at 20 and had a satisfactory sex life and had orgasms through direct clitoral stimulation by my husband. I still wasn’t touching myself. Then I got divorced at 25 and my first b/f asked me to bring myself to orgasm because he wanted to see how to stimulate me. That really opened my eyes to something. Then b/f #2 had me get on top of him for intercourse facing his feet and I stroked my clitoris and watched myself in a mirror at the end of the bed. After that I was off and running. 
I’ve been married for 15 years now and masturbate 1 to 3 times a week. I consider it my little self-indulgent treat, like getting my nails done or buying a candy bar. I have several different ways but my favorite is to sit on the floor with my back against a piece of furniture. I put my knees up and my feet are flat on the floor. My legs are spread as wide as I can get them. I have a full length mirror that pivots and I love to watch myself. I shave all my pubic hair except a tiny patch in the front so I can see everything. I might start out by gently rubbing my nipples but in this position it is usually not necessary because as soon as I look at myself I am plenty wet. I use my index and middle fingers on my left hand to spread my inner labia and then with my index finger of my right hand I massage my clitoris with a circular motion, dipping down to get more lubrication as necessary. Sometimes I insert a hairbrush handle or small plastic bottle (like a hairspray bottle) in my vagina but because I am so visual I feel sort of stupid looking at myself with a hairbrush hanging out my twat. When I come I close my legs and rock back and forth and I might put my fingertips just inside my vagina because I like to feel the pulsation. 
Another position I like which I have not seen mentioned here is kneel like you would in church with legs bent at a 90 degree angle. There’s something about the gravitational forces at work. 
I wish there had been the Internet and this web site 30 years ago when I was a teen. Even now I am thankful I found it because during sex with my husband my visual fantasy is women’s vulvas (shaved, with legs spread) and I wondered if that was normal for a heterosexual woman. And I found that it is. 
I take a washcloth and soak it with ice cold water, spread my legs all the way open and place it on top. Then I take an electric toothbrush and go in circles around my clit- superb! 
I think that I may be a bit unusual. It seems that I can't get off without anal stimulation/penetration in conjunction with direct clitoral stimulation. I am 31, married for 5 years, only having worked up the courage to relay this to my husband this year. I began masturbating when I was 15. I'm catholic, and was very aware of the importance of maintaining my virginity until marriage. Still curious about the sensation of penetration, I began using the handle of my hairbrush to penetrate my ass. I still recall the sensations that washed over me the first time that I touched my clit with my brush inside of me. I've masturbated this way ever since, but have moved on from my trusty brush to more tailor-made tools. Up until this past year, my only orgasms were solo endeavors, save for my last 2 years of university. This is when I first discovered the soft touch of another woman. My dorm-mate cut out of her class early one Friday, and caught me in my desk-chair, with my feet firmly planted against the desk, my hairbrush firmly planted elsewhere, in front of my mirror. She was extremely gracious as I recall, and instead of making a scene, recognized enormity of my embarrassment, and immediately slid her hand up under her skirt to join me. We either masturbated together, or masturbated one another, on a regular basis until we graduated and went our separate ways. I'd had a number of partners prior to meeting my husband, and at no time was I orgasmic with any of them. Any time that I tried to incorporate masturbation into the routine, it still fell short without the anal component. With my more committed lovers, the attempt at anal love never lasted long enough, or was skilled enough to incorporate the required clitoral stimulation. Though disappointing, I've always been able to live with the solace of my personal escape. This now, thankfully, has been enhanced with my admission to my husband. We have now incorporated anal play, and blissful orgasm, into our lovemaking, which has not only saved our marriage but much more. I love my husband, my anal-beads (thank you, and my life! 
I use a refrigerated carrot (you know, those little ones) in my vagina and I stimulate my clit with my middle finger. 
First of all I like your site very much. I'm glad it's not pornographic. My name is Sara. I'm twenty-one. When I was about five a little boy and me were good friends. We used to make cubby houses in dark rooms and explore each other's bodies in the dark. It was very exciting. We would both take our clothes off and I'd feel his penis while he touched me. That was about when I started masturbating. I did it all the time, usually with a teddy bear. First I'd drink a lot of water. Then I'd put my teddy on my bed and rub myself on it. I liked urinating all over it, and then I'd orgasm. As I got older I used different things at the same time - ice, warm water (instead of wee - though my mother never complained!), baby oil. Once when we were camping near a creek I lay under the waterfall and let the water come down onto me, hard. That was better than the tap! 
I never put anything inside me and I don't use tampons. I only just lost my virginity, and I like the closeness of sex with a man, not the orgasms. On my own, I still like the wee method though! It feels wonderful to let go and get that warm wet feeling. Doesn't anyone else do it? 
Hi... the first time I ever masturbated I was about 6 or 7. I had a twin bed in my bedroom and it was shoved up against the wall. One morning I woke up and I was about to fall through the space between the wall and the bed... needless to say my pussy was RIGHT there on the side of the bed... and it must have felt good because I rubbed back n forth on it... after that I (of course) did it on purpose. Hehe I had this thing I would do.. it was basically me trying to stay on the bed while almost sliding off.. I am on my stomach... and my pussy is in contact with the edge of the bed... (Wow I hadn't thought of this n a long time haha...) I even got my first experience of "pain" turning me on and causing "pleasure"... cuz the inside of my leg I would lay on the bed board.. and it would kind of hurt... I got off on the pain and the struggle to stay on the bed while I masturbated to orgasm... 
Now that I am grown up.. I usually masturbate laying on my back... I think about a woman eating my pussy... I think about her sticking her tongue inside me... then moving down to my anus... and licking there for a while.. then back up to my pussy... then when I am good and lubricated with my own juices.. (I never use lube haha) I take a long appliance light bulb... like the kind in a fish tank... and insert it into my vagina. I think about her moving it in and out of me... and I stoke my clit at the same time and pretend its her tongue licking me... I have had the most POWERFUL orgasm doing it this way... hehe.. I even caught it on tape one time!!!! oh ummm audio not video lol. 
It is not safe to insert fragile glass, like a light bulb, into the vagina or anus. 
I am twenty and have been masturbating since I was about 9 when I put my mom's back massager 'down there' and it felt so good. Except if I held it there too long I'd have to pee. So when I could get some private time I would put a towel on the floor take off my panties and sat there until I couldn't take it anymore and would pee, I don't know if I was orgasming then or not. Eventually I gained enough control that I could use the vibrator to cum without having too pee. I also get really horny when I have to pee really bad, so that took some practice. For the longest time the only way I could successfully masturbate was to lay on my back with the back massager between my legs. One night I was so horny that I couldn't wait until there was no one around to hear the vibrator so I decided to try humping my pillow--it took a long long time, but I finally came. I realized I needed to find a new method that worked before I went to college though. And found that if I balled up a blanket on my bed, and humped it I could cum really easily. All it takes is muscle tension and something rubbing my clit for me to come. And I have gotten so good at knowing my own body that I can come within a couple minutes. What['s great about my methods is that I can stay completely dressed. In college I wanted to try new things for fun. I masturbated at night with my roommate in the room, one time I masturbated with the door open to the hall and someone could have walked by and caught me at any second. I am horny all the time, and usually get myself off at least once a day. I find often times when I am bored, like in class, I start to get really horny. One day recently there was this really hot chick sitting in front of me and she was wearing a thong, and her pants were way down low and I could see her ass. I sat there and got more and more horny, and my panties were becoming soaked. Normally I would go home right after class and get off, but this time I didn't think I could wait. So during a short break in class, I went into the little bathroom with one stall, waiting my turn to use the toilet, while I was waiting, I discreetly rubbed my crotch on the corner of the sink, and when I got in the stall, I learned up against the wall, I frantically stuck my hand down my pants and started rubbing my clit. I fantasized about the girl in my class and I started breathing really hard and let out a couple little moans. I was so paranoid someone was going to figure out what I was doing, but I really needed to cum, and fast, so I tried to focus all my attention. I grabbed the handicapped bar in one hand and continued to rub myself hard. All of a sudden I came. It was the first time I had orgasmed standing up, and my legs almost gave out beneath me. It was sooo great to try something new like that. Now when I get horny I masturbate in the bathroom at work and other places and it is so nice. 

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